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Dictionary of Aviation 航空词典 上

时间:2011-02-23 15:18来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空 点击:

compound /k.mpaυnd/ adjective
referring to something made up of two or more parts or substances . noun a substance made up of two or more com-ponents . A chemical compound has qualities that are different from those of the substances from which it is made. . Advances in sealing compounds have now made fuel tanks less liable to leaks.

compound wound generator
/k.mpaυnd wund den.re.t./
noun a generator which consists of a
number of windings compress /k.mpres/ verb to put under pressure thereby reducing vol-ume . Pressure is created when a fluid is compressed.

compressibility /k.mpres.b.l.ti/
noun the natural ability of a substance to change volume when under varying pressures . In systems using very high pressure, the compressibility of the liq-uid becomes important.

compressible /k.mpres.b(.)l/
adjective referring to something that can be compressed . Air is compressi-ble, but water is not.
compression /k.mpre.(.)n/ noun
an act or instance of putting pressure on something

compression stroke /k.m
pre.(.)n str.υk/ noun the stage of an internal combustion cycle when the fuel/air mixture comes under pressure from the upward-moving piston
compressive /k.mpres.v/ adjec-tive referring to forces caused by pres-sure on a surface . A strut is designed to withstand compressive loads.

compressive load /k.mpres.v
l.υd/ noun a load caused by forces act-ing in opposite directions towards each other

compressive stress /k.mpres.v
stres/ noun the resistance of a body to crushing by two forces acting towards each other along the same straight line
compressor /k.mpres./ noun a
device such as a pump to compress air, in order to increase pressure . A shaft connects the turbine to the compressor.
. axial comprise /k.mpra.z/ verb to be made of (NOTE: The correct use of com-prise is often disputed. Some people regard it as a synonym for the verb consist of, while others believe it should be used in an opposite sense: a tank, pipes, a filter, a pump and a car-burettor comprise the fuel system. It is sometimes used in its passive form: the
fuel system is comprised of a number of different parts.) concentrate /k.ns.ntre.t/ verb 1.
to collect in a particular place rather than spread around . Most of the mass of air is concentrated at the lowest lev-els of the atmosphere. 2. to give atten-tion and thought to something in partic-ular . This chapter concentrates on charts. . to concentrate hard to give all one’s thought and attention to some-thing
concentration /k.ns.ntre..(.)n/ noun 1. the fact of being collected in a particular place rather than spread around . The maximum concentration of ozone is between 20 and 25 km above the Earth’s surface. 2. the act of giving attention and thought to something . In

concentric 52
the early stages of training, instrument flying requires great concentration on the part of the student pilot.

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