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Dictionary of Aviation 航空词典 上

时间:2011-02-23 15:18来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空 点击:

bar /bɑ/ noun 1. a long, straight, rigid piece of metal . The part is made from a solid bar of aluminium. 2. (in meteor-ology) a unit of atmospheric pressure equal to 1,000 millibars. . millibar
barograph /br.rɑf/ noun an
instrument for measuring and recording atmospheric pressure . The most com-mon type of barograph is that which uti-lises an aneroid capsule mechanically connected to a pen.
barometer /b.r.m.t./ noun an
instrument for measuring the atmos-pheric pressure
barometric /br.metr.k/ adjective
referring to a barometer . barometric pressure atmospheric pressure as indi-cated by a barometer

barometric tendency
/br.metr.k tend.nsi/ noun the amount of change in pressure with increase in altitude
barrel roll /br(.)l r.υl/ noun a
manoeuvre in which an aircraft turns completely over sideways while flying along
barrier /bri./ noun 1. something such as a wall that prevents the move-ment of something else . Elevation of the ground over which the aircraft flies
can be a dangerous barrier to flight. 2.
something that prevents a person from making progress . His medical prob-lems were a barrier to his successful completion of the course.
base /be.s/ noun the bottom part or lowest part . verb to develop or develop something from something else . The operation of the auxiliary power unit is based on the gas turbine engine. . The principle of vapour cycle cooling is based upon the ability of a refrigerant to absorb heat.
base leg /be.s le/ noun the part of the airfield traffic circuit flown at approximately 90° to the direction of landing, followed by the final approach.
. leg
basic /be.s.k/ adjective referring to the most important but often simplest part of something, from which every-thing else is derived . This chapter pro-vides a basic understanding from which the study of meteorology can develop. .
basic principle a central or fundamen-tal idea or theory
basic area navigation /be.s.k e.ri. nv.e..(.)n/ noun a standard of performance for navigation that requires an aircraft to remain within 5 nautical miles of the centreline of its course for 95% of the time
basis /be.s.s/ noun the central and most important part of something from which everything else is derived . The basis of air navigation is the triangle of velocities. (NOTE: The plural form is bases.)
bat /bt/ noun an object shaped like a table-tennis bat used by a person on the ground to guide an aircraft when it is taxiing or parking
batsman /btsm.n/ noun some-body who uses a pair of bats to guide an aircraft when it is taxiing or parking
battery /bt(.)ri/ noun a chemical device that produces electrical current .
This piece of equipment is powered by 2
batteries. . charger bay /be./ noun 1. a space or area in the structure of an aeroplane where equip-ment can be located . To avoid damage to the wheel bay, the nose wheel must be

31 beware

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