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Dictionary of Aviation 航空词典 上

时间:2011-02-23 15:18来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空 点击:

constraint /k.nstre.nt/ noun some-thing that reduces freedom of action .
The number of landings per 24-hour period is subject to constraint.
constrict /k.nstr.kt/ verb to make something narrower, especially to make the flow of gas or liquid more difficult by narrowing the passage through which it flows . In the carburettor ven-turi, the flow of air is constricted.
constriction /k.nstr.k..n/ noun
the act of constricting, or a place where something is particularly narrow . A thermometer has a constriction in the base of the tube between the bulb and the beginning of the scale.
construct /k.nstrkt/ verb 1. to put together . The table on page 4 can be used to construct the low level forecast for the route. 2. to build . to construct an aircraft to manufacture or build an aircraft . Wings are constructed of light alloy pressed ribs and an outer skin.
construction /k.nstrk..n/ noun
1. the act of putting things together, or the way in which something is put together . The basic construction of the lead-acid cell consists of a positive electrode and negative electrode. 2. a building . The construction of the home-built aircraft took two years.
consume /k.nsjum/ verb 1. to use up in a given time . Drag must be over-come with thrust, which requires engines, which in turn consume fuel. 2.
to eat
consumption /k.nsmp.(.)n/ noun 1. the amount used up in a given time . Fuel consumption is higher in bigger, more powerful engines. 2. the process of using up fuel or other resources 3. the amount eaten 4. the act of eating
contact /k.ntkt/ noun 1. touch . in contact with touching . The air in con-tact with the Earth’s surface cools. 2. .
to be in contact with to communicate with e.g. by telephone or radio . to be in visual contact to see . to make con-tact to communicate . to lose contact to stop communicating . ATC lost con-tact with the aircraft. 3. a person who can be contacted in order to get some-thing done . I have a contact in Madrid who can help I know some-body in Madrid who can help 4. an elec-trical connection . Dirty contacts were the cause of the problem. . verb to get in touch with somebody e.g. by radio or telephone . The captain couldn’t con-tact ATC.

contact breaker /k.ntkt
bre.k./ noun a mechanically operated switch which is timed to break the pri-mary circuit when maximum current is flowing
contact flight /k.ntkt fla.t/ noun
a method of navigation for aircraft in which the pilot or crew use no naviga-tional aids, but find their way by observing visible features of the ground
contact number /k.ntkt nmb./ noun a telephone number where information can be obtained
contain /k.nte.n/ verb to hold, to have inside . Most clouds contain some super-cooled water droplets. . The booklet contains details of the airline’s flight schedule.
container /k.nte.n./ noun a box, bottle, etc., which holds something else
. A smouldering fire in a waste con-tainer could become very active due to pressure changes during ascent.

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