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Dictionary of Aviation 航空词典 上

时间:2011-02-23 15:18来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空 点击:

ground crew /raυnd kru/ noun a
team of employees who service and maintain the aircraft while it is on the ground
ground-effect machine /raυnd . fekt m..in/ noun a hovercraft. Abbreviation GEM

ground elevation /raυnd
el.ve..(.)n/ noun the vertical dis-tance, in feet, of the ground above sea level
ground instructor /raυnd .n strkt./ noun a trained person who teaches support subjects such as mete-orology in a classroom
groundling /raυndl../ noun a
member of the ground crew at an airport or air force base
ground loop /raυnd lup/ noun a
sharp unplanned turn made by an air-craft that is taxiing, taking off, or land-ing, caused by unbalanced drag
ground movement /raυnd muvm.nt/ noun a manoeuvre such as taxiing carried out by an aircraft while on the ground, or any movement on an airfield by people or surface vehicles

ground position /raυnd p.
z..(.)n/ noun the point on the surface of the Earth immediately beneath the aircraft

ground proximity warning sys-tem /raυnd pr.ks.m.ti w.n..
s.st.m/ noun a system in aircraft which warns pilot, by means of an audi-ble signal, that the aircraft is below a preset height. Abbreviation GPWS

ground-running operation
/raυnd rn.. .p.re..(.)n/ noun a procedure of running the engine while the aircraft is stationary on the ground to check engine performance
ground signal /raυnd s.n(.)l/
noun a visual signal displayed on an air-field to give information about local traffic rules to aircraft in the air
ground speed /raυnd spid/ noun
the speed of the aircraft in relation to the ground over which it is flying. Abbreviation GS, G/S

ground temperature /raυnd
tempr.t../ noun the temperature recorded by a thermometer placed at ground level

ground visibility /raυnd
v.z.b.l.ti/ noun horizontal visibility
near the surface of the earth group /rup/ noun 1. a number of individual items or people brought together because of similarities 2. a col-lection of letters, numbers or symbols used in weather forecasting, etc.
growth /r.υθ/ noun an increase in size, number, amount, etc. . the growth of ice crystals . the growth of air travel
GRP abbreviation glass fibre rein-forced plastic
GS, G/S abbreviation ground speed guard /ɑd/ noun 1. a device to pre-vent injury or loss, etc. . The thermo-couple probes consist of two wires of dissimilar metal that are joined together inside a metal guard tube. 2. a person who protects or keeps watch . a security guard . verb to protect from harm by watching over . to guard against to take steps to ensure that

guidance 108
something does not happen . To guard against the risk of fire, passengers are requested not to smoke in the toilets.
guidance /a.d(.)ns/ noun 1. help-ful advice . Guidance is provided to assist people in filling in the form. . The booklet contains guidance on the advis-ability of flying with a cold. 2. the action of giving directions to an aircraft

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