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时间:2011-08-28 15:32来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空 点击:


AAE Abbreviation for: above aerodrome elevation
. see: aerodrome elevation
(1) Abbreviation for: average arrival interval
(2) U.S. Abbreviation for: arrival aircraft interval
. see: average arrival interval
AAIM Abbreviation for: aircraft autonomous integrity monitoring Fr: AAIM
AAS Abbreviation for: aerodrome advisory service Fr: AAS
AAT Abbreviation for: assigned arrival time Fr: AAT
ABAS Abbreviation for: aircraft-based augmentation system Fr: ABAS
abbreviated precision approach path indicator A precision approach path indicator (PAPI) consisting of only two light units situated on the left side of the runway. The aircraft is on slope if the unit nearest the runway shows red and the unit furthest from the runway shows white, too high if both units show white, and too low if both units show red. The APAPI is always set to an eye-to-wheel height (EWH) of 10 ft. 
abbreviation: APAPI

see also: visual approach slope indicator systems

Fr: indicateur de trajectoire d’approche de précision simplifié
abbreviated visual approach slope indicator system A visual approach slope indicator system (VASIS) consisting of only two light units situated on the left side of the runway, one upwind and one downwind. The aircraft is on slope if the upwind unit shows red and the downwind unit shows white, too high if both units show white, and too low if both units show red. The AVASIS is always set to an eye-to-wheel height (EWH) of 10 ft.
abbreviation: AVASIS

see also: visual approach slope indicator systems

Fr: indicateur visuel de pente d’approche simplifié
abeam A term that describes the general position of the aircraft in relation to a fix, point or object when that fix, point or object is approximately 90° to the right or left of the aircraft track.
. abbreviation: ABM
Fr: par le travers
(1) Abbreviation for: abeam
(2) ICAO: Abbreviation for: asynchronous balanced mode
ABN ICAO: Abbreviation for: aerodrome beacon Fr: ABN
abort (to)
To terminate a planned aircraft manoeuvre.
Fr: interrompre
aborted landing A planned landing that is discontinued for reasons such as conflicting traffic, weather, or landing surface obstacles.
. also called: rejected landing
Fr: atterrissage interrompu
aborted takeoff A planned takeoff that is discontinued for reasons such as conflicting traffic, aircraft malfunction, weather or take-off surface obstacles.
. also called: rejected takeoff
Fr: décollage interrompu
above aerodrome elevation Other expression for: aerodrome elevation
. abbreviation: AAE
A/C Abbreviation for: aircraft Fr: A/C
ACA Abbreviation for: Arctic Control Area Fr: ACA

航空翻译 www.aviation.cn
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