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时间:2011-08-28 15:32来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空 点击:

. abbreviation: total EET
Fr: durée totale estimée
(2) For VFR flights, the estimated time required from takeoff to arrive over the destination aerodrome.
. abbreviation: total EET
Fr: durée totale estimée
A procedure in which an aircraft lands and then commences a takeoff without stopping.
Fr: posé-décollé
touchdown Other expression for: touchdown point (1)
touchdown and lift-off area
A load-bearing area on which a helicopter may touch down or lift off.
. abbreviation: TLOF
Fr: aire de prise de contact et d’envol
touchdown autorotation Other expression for: autorotation to touchdown
touchdown pad The load-bearing portion of a designated helicopter landing and take-off area on which a helicopter may alight. Fr: plate-forme de poser
touchdown point
(1) The point at which an aircraft first makes contact with the landing surface.
. also called: touchdown
Fr: point de poser
(2) The point where the nominal glide path (GP) intercepts the runway.
Note: The touchdown point, as defined above, is only a datum and is not necessarily the actual point
at which the aircraft will touch the runway.

Fr: point d’atterrissage
touchdown RVR
The RVR readout values obtained from RVR equipment serving the touchdown zone.
Fr: RVR au point de poser
touchdown zone The first 3000 ft of the runway or the first third of the runway, whichever is less, measured from the threshold in the direction of landing.
. abbreviation: TDZ
Fr: zone de poser
touchdown zone elevation
The highest centreline elevation in the touchdown zone.
. abbreviation: TDZE
Fr: altitude de zone de poser
touchdown zone lighting Variable-intensity white lighting in the touchdown zone consisting of bars of three inset lights per bar situated on either side of the runway centreline at 100-ft intervals, commencing 100 ft from the threshold and extending 3000 ft down the runway. The lights are unidirectional, showing in the direction of approach to landing.
. abbreviation: TDZL
Fr: balisage lumineux de zone de poser
touchdown zone marking A marking provided in the touchdown zone of a precision approach runway consisting of pairs of rectangular markings symmetrically disposed about the runway centreline. Fr: marque de zone de poser
TOV Abbreviation for: terminal occupancy value Fr: TOV
tower Other expression for: control tower (TWR)
tower control A control service provided by an airport controller to aircraft and vehicles on active runways and to aircraft in the vicinity of a controlled airport. . other expression: airport control
. see also: airport control service
Fr: contr.le tour
tower radar area 
An area of defined dimensions surrounding a controlled aerodrome within which radar service is provided. 

航空翻译 www.aviation.cn
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