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时间:2011-08-28 15:32来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空 点击:

. see also: contact approach
Fr: . Contact visuel .
contact approach An approach wherein an aircraft on an IFR flight plan (FP), having an ATC authorization and operating clear of clouds with at least 1 mi. flight visibility and a reasonable expectation of continuing to the destination airport in those conditions, may deviate from the instrument approach procedure (IAP) and proceed to the destination airport by visual reference to the surface of the earth. Fr: approche contact
contact point A specified position, time or level at which an aircraft is required to establish radio communication with an ATC unit. Fr: point de contact
control area
A controlled airspace extending upwards vertically from a specified height above the surface of the earth.
. abbreviation: CTA
Fr: région de contr.le
control area extension A controlled airspace of defined dimensions within the low level airspace (LLA), extending upwards from 2200 ft AGL unless otherwise specified.
. abbreviation: CAE
Fr: prolongement de région de contr.le
controlled aerodrome
An aerodrome at which an ATC unit is in operation.
Fr: aérodrome contr.lé
controlled airspace
An airspace of defined dimensions within which ATC service is provided.
Fr: espace aérien contr.lé
controlled flight into terrain An occurrence in which an aircraft, under the control of the crew, is flown into terrain, water or an obstacle with no prior awareness on the part of the crew of the impending disaster.
. abbreviation: CFIT
Fr: impact sans perte de contr.le
controlled VFR flight
A flight conducted under VFR within Class B airspace and in accordance with an ATC clearance.
. also called: CVFR flight
Fr: vol VFR contr.lé
controller Other expression for: air traffic controller
controller-pilot data link communications A means of direct electronic communication between controller and pilot using data link instead of voice. These communications may include clearances, requests, reports, or any related ATS information.
. abbreviation: CPDLC
Fr: communications contr.leur-pilote par liaison de données
controlling agency
The ATC unit that normally exercises ATC or provides advisory service in a given airspace.
Fr: organisme de contr.le
control sector A subdivision of a designated control area within which responsibility is assigned to one controller or to a small group of controllers. Fr: secteur de contr.le
control tower
A unit established to provide ATC service to aerodrome traffic.
abbreviation: TWR

also called: tower

Fr: tour de contr.le
control zone A controlled airspace of defined dimensions extending upwards from the surface of the earth up to and including 3000 ft AAE unless otherwise specified.
. abbreviation: CZ

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