时间:2014-11-08 12:08来源:蓝天飞行翻译公司整理 作者:民航翻译 点击:次
Operator shall adopt stricter acceptance check procedure for the cooperative party who has law-violation records of the transport of dangerous goods by air so as to avoid the accident arising from the transport of dangerous goods by air. 第一百三十一条 Article 131 任何单位或者个人对危险品航空运输违法、违规行为,均有权向民航局或者民航地区管理局报告或者举报。 Any unit and individual has the right to report or expose and report to CAAC or CAAC Regional Administration acts of violations of laws and regulations in connection with the transport of dangerous goods by air.报告或者举报采用书面形式并提供相关事实和证据的,民航局或者民航地区管理局应当根据举报情况进行必要的调查。 In case the written form is used in the report or exposure and report and the relevant facts and evidence are provided, CAAC or CAAC Regional Administration shall conduct necessary investigation according to the exposure and report situation. 第十二章 CHAPTER 12 法律责任 LEGAL LIABILITY 第一百三十二条 Article 132 托运人或者其代理人有下列行为之一的,由民航管理部门处以警告或者三万元以下的罚款: Where the shipper or its agent commits one of the following acts, the civil aviation administrative department shall inflict warning punishment or impose a fine of not more than 30000 yuan: (一)违反本规定,未按要求对所托运的危险品进行分类的; (1)In violation of this Regulation, failure to classify the dangerous goods consigned as required; (二)违反本规定,未按要求对所托运的危险品进行包装的; (2) In violation of this Regulation, failure to pack the dangerous goods consigned as required; (三)违反本规定,未按要求对所托运的危险品加标记的; (3) In violation of this Regulation, failure to mark the dangerous goods consigned as required; (四)违反本规定,未按要求对所托运的危险品贴标签的; (4) In violation of this Regulation, failure to label the dangerous goods consigned as required; (五)违反本规定,未按要求就所托运的危险品提供危险品运输相关文件的; |