时间:2014-11-08 12:08来源:蓝天飞行翻译公司整理 作者:民航翻译 点击:次
The operator, entrusting the ground handling agent to represent the operator to engage in the ground handling service to the transport of dangerous goods by air, shall sign with the ground handling agent the ground handling agency agreement involved in the transport of dangerous goods by air. 所委托的中国境内的地面服务代理人应当符合本规定有关地面服务代理人的要求,所委托的中国境外的地面服务代理人应当符合所在地国家的相关法律、法规。 The entrusted ground handling agent within the territory of China shall meet the requirements of this Regulation relating to the ground handling agent, the entrusted ground handling agent outside the territory of China shall conform to the relevant laws and regulations of the State of the seat..经营人应当自危险品航空运输地面服务代理协议签订之日起七日内将所签订协议报民航地区管理局备案。 The operator shall submit the signed agreement to CAAC Regional Administration for putting on record within 7 days from the day when the ground handling agency agreement on the transport of dangerous goods by air was signed 第七十四条 Article 74 经营人委托货运销售代理人代表其从事货物航空运输销售活动的,应当同货运销售代理人签订包括危险品安全航空运输内容的航空货物运输销售代理协议,并确保所委托的货运销售代理人满足以下要求: The operator, entrusting the cargo sales agent to represent the operator to engage in the sales activity of cargo air transport, shall sign with the cargo sales agent the sales agency agreement on the cargo transport by air which includes the contents of the safe transport of dangerous goods by air, and ensure that the entrusted cargo sales agent meets the following requirements: (一)拥有企业法人营业执照; (1)Holing the business license of the legal person of the enterprise; (二)从事危险品收运工作、货物或邮件(非危险品)收运工作的员工,从事货物或邮件的搬运、储存和装载工作的员工按照所代理的经营人认可的危险品培训大纲由符合本规定要求的培训机构培训合格; (2)Staff who engage in the job of accepting the dangerous goods, cargo, or mail (other than dangerous goods) and who engage in the job of moving, storage and loading of cargo or mail shall be trained by the training organization meeting the requirements of this Regulation, in accordance with the dangerous goods training programmes which are authorized by the operator which acted for by the agent and qualification is achieved; |