时间:2014-11-08 12:08来源:蓝天飞行翻译公司整理 作者:民航翻译 点击:次
(一)持有民航局颁发的外国航空运输企业航线经营许可; (1)Holding the foreign Air Transport Enterprises Route Operating Permit issued by CAAC; (二)获得所在国民航主管部门颁发的危险品航空运输许可或者等效文件; (2)Having obtained the permission for the transport of dangerous goods by air or the equivalent document issued by the civil aviation competent authority of the State of the foreign operator; (三)持有所在国民航主管部门批准的危险品培训大纲或者等效文件,配备了合适的和足够的人员并按危险品培训大纲完成培训并合格; (3)Holding the dangerous goods training programmes or the equivalent document approved by the civil aviation competent authority of the State of the foreign operator, allocating the suitable and enough personnel and their training is completed and their qualification is achieved; (四)持有所在国民航主管部门批准的危险品航空运输手册或者等效文件,并按危险品航空运输手册建立了危险品航空运输管理和操作程序、应急方案。 (4)Holding the Dangerous Goods Air Transport Manual or the equivalent document approved by civil aviation competent authority of the State of the foreign operator and the management, operating procedures and emergence response plan for the transport of dangerous goods by air are established in accordance with the Dangerous Goods Air Transport Manual. 第二十四条 Article 24 外国经营人申请在外国地点和中国地点间的定期航线上运输危险品的,应当向民航地区管理局提交下列材料: Foreign operator, applying for the transport of dangerous goods on scheduled routes between a point in the foreign country and a point in China, shall submit the following materials to CAAC Regional Administration: (一)申请书; (1)Application letter; (二)外国经营人所在国民航主管部门颁发的危险品航空运输许可或者等效文件; (2) The permission for the transport of dangerous goods by air issued by the civil aviation competent authority of the State of the foreign operator or the equivalent document; (三)拟实施危险品航空运输的经营范围和危险品的类别; |