时间:2014-11-08 12:08来源:蓝天飞行翻译公司整理 作者:民航翻译 点击:次
第八十一条 Article 81 地面服务代理人应当报所在地民航地区管理局备案。 The ground handling agent shall be submitted to CAAC Regional Administration of the seat for placing on the record.自收到备案申请之日起二十日内,民航地区管理局应当将地面服务代理人予以备案,并对外公布。 CAAC Regional Administration shall place the ground handling agent on the record and make the external announcement within 20 days from the day when the application for placing on the record is received. 第八十二条 Article 82 地面服务代理人代表经营人从事危险品航空运输活动的,适用本规定有关经营人责任的规定。 The provisions of this Regulation concerning the operator’s responsibilities are applicable to the ground handling agent to engage in the activity of the transport of dangerous goods by air on behalf of the operator. 第八章危险品航空运输信息 CHAPTER 8 INFORMATION ABOUT THE TRANPORT OF DANGEROUS GOODS BY AIR 第八十三条 Article 83 经营人在其航空器上载运危险品,应当在航空器起飞前向机长提供《技术细则》规定的书面信息。 The operator of an aircraft on which dangerous goods are to be carried shall provide the pilot-in-command, before departure of the aircraft, with written information as specified in the Technical Instructions. 第八十四条 Article 84 经营人应当在运行手册中提供信息,使机组成员能履行其对危险品航空运输的职责,同时应当提供在出现涉及危险品的紧急情况时采取的行动指南。 The operator shall provide such information in the Operation Manual as will enable the crew member to carry out its responsibilities with regard to the transport of dangerous goods and shall provide instructions as to the action to be taken in the event of emergencies arising involving dangerous goods. 第八十五条 Article 85 经营人应当确保在旅客购买机票时,向旅客提供关于禁止航空运输危险品的信息。 The operator shall ensure that information on the dangerous goods which are forbidden for transport by air is provided to a passenger when the passenger purchases the ticket.通过互联网提供的信息可以是文字或者图像形式,但应当确保只有在旅客表示已经理解行李中的危险品限制之后,方可完成购票手续。 |