时间:2014-11-08 12:08来源:蓝天飞行翻译公司整理 作者:民航翻译 点击:次
Foreign Operator, applying for the transport of dangerous goods on non-scheduled operation between a point in the foreign country and a point in China, shall submit the application in accordance with the requirements of Article 29 of this Regulation to CAAC Regional Administration and ensure the authenticity and effectiveness of the materials submitted.申请材料齐全、符合法定形式的,民航地区管理局应当受理申请;申请材料不齐全或者不符合法定要求的,民航地区管理局应当当场或者三日内一次性告知申请人需要补齐的全部材料,逾期不告知申请人的,自收到申请材料之日起即为受理。 If the application materials are complete and in conformity with the statutory forms, CAAC Regional Administration shall accept the application by the foreign operator; if the application materials are incomplete or not in conformity with the statutory forms, CAAC Regional Administration shall inform on the spot or give the applicant one-time notice within 3 days to complement all materials required. The application is considered as accepted as of the day when the application materials are received if such notice is not given within the time limit. 第三十二条 Article 32 民航地区管理局应当对外国经营人的申请进行审查。 CAAC Regional Administration shall examine the application submitted by foreign operator.经过审查,外国经营人符合本规定第二十八条条件的,民航地区管理局应当为外国经营人颁发不定期飞行运输危险品的许可。 CAAC Regional Administration shall examine the application submitted by foreign operator. If the foreign operator is confirmed through examination to conform to the conditions of Article 28 of this Regulation, CAAC Regional Administration shall issue the Dangerous Goods Air Transport Permit for non-scheduled operation to the foreign operator.经审查不合格,民航地区管理局依法做出不予许可决定的,应当书面告知外国经营人,并说明理由。 If the foreign operator is not qualified through examination, CAAC Regional Administration, who has made the decision not to grant the permit in accordance with the laws, shall give written notification to the foreign operator and explain reasons.民航地区管理局应当自受理申请之日起四日内进行审查,并做出许可或者不许可的书面决定。 |