时间:2015-01-22 15:14来源:蓝天飞行翻译公司 作者:民航翻译 点击:次
To view this page ensure that Adobe Flash Player version 9.0.124 or greater is installed. (x) Emergency operations, including simulated aeroplane equipment malfunctions; and (xi) Operations to, from and transmitting controlled aerodromes, compliance with air traffic services procedures, radiotelephony procedures and phraseology. (xii) As further specified in IS (3) If the privileges of the PPL(A) are to be exercised at night, the applicant shall have received 4 hours dual instruction in aeroplanes in night flying, including take-offs, landings and 1 hour of navigation. Note 1: Some States require night flying as part of the private licence training. Other States require a separate night endorsement, and this practice is due to prohibition of flying at night without an IR. If a State requires a separate night endorsement, it should be noted on the licence. Note 2: Training can be performed by an individually authorised flight instructor, by an authorised flight instructor in a flying club, or in an Approved Training Organisation. (c) The requirements for the skill test for the PPL(A) are included in IS New ICAO Annex 1:;;;, 14 CFR: 61.107(b)(1)(2); 61.109(a)(b) EXPERIENCE, FLIGHT INSTRUCTION AND SKILL TEST FOR THE PPL—HELICOPTER CATEGORY (a) Experience. (1) The applicant for a PPL(H) shall have completed not less than 40 hours of flight time, or 35 hours if completed during a course of approved training, as a pilot of helicopters. The Authority shall determine whether experience as a pilot under instruction in a flight simulation training device is acceptable as part of the total flight time of 40 or 35 hours, as the case may be. Credit for such experience shall be limited to a total of 5 hours if completed under instruction in a flight simulation training device approved by the Authority. (2) The applicant shall have completed in helicopter not less than 10 hours of solo flight time under the supervision of an authorised flight instructor, including 5 hours of solo cross-country flight time with at least one cross-country flight totaling not less than 180 km (100 NM) in the course of which landings at two different points shall be made. (3) The holder of pilot licences in other powered aircraft categories may be credited with 10 hours of the total flight time as PIC towards a PPL(H). (b) Flight Instruction. (1) The applicant for a PPL(H) shall receive and log not less than 20 hours of dual instruction from an authorised instructor on the subjects listed in IS These 20 hours may include 5 hours completed in a flight simulation training device. The 20 hours of dual instruction shall include at least 5 hours of solo cross-country flight time with at least one cross-country flight totaling not less than 180 km (100 NM) in the course of which landings at two different points shall be made. (2) The instructor shall ensure that the applicant has operational experience in at least the following areas to the level of performance required for the private pilot: (i) Recognise and manage threats and errors; (ii) Pre-flight operations, including mass and balance determination, helicopter inspection and servicing; (iii) Aerodrome and traffic pattern operations, collision avoidance precautions and procedures; (iv) Control of the helicopter by external visual reference; (v) Recovery at the incipient stage from settling with power; recovery techniques from low-rotor rpm within the normal range of engine rpm; (vi) Ground manoeuvring and run-ups; hovering; take-offs and landings – normal, out of wind and sloping ground; (vii) Take-offs and landings with minimum necessary power; maximum performance take-off and landing techniques; restricted site operations; quick stops; (viii) Cross-country flying using visual reference, dead reckoning and, where available, radio navigation aids including a flight of at least one hour; (ix) Emergency operations, including simulated helicopter equipment malfunctions; autorotative approach and landing; and (x) Operations to, from and transmitting controlled aerodromes, compliance with air traffic services procedures, radiotelephony procedures and phraseology. (xi) If the privileges of the PPL(H) are to be exercised at night, the applicant shall have received 4 hours dual instruction in helicopters in night flying, including take-offs, landings and 1 hour of navigation. (c) The requirements for the skill test for the PPL(H) are included in IS ICAO Annex 1: 2.3,,,,,,,,,,, New ICAO Annex 1 : ; ; ; ; 14 CFR: 61.107(b)(3) ; 61.109(c) JAR-FCL 2: Subpart C EXPERIENCE, FLIGHT INSTRUCTION AND SKILL TEST FOR THE PPL – POWERED-LIFT CATEGORY (a) Experience. (1) The applicant for a PPL- Powered Lift shall have completed not less than 40 hours of flight time as pilot of powered lift. The Authority should determine whether such experience as a pilot under instruction in a flight simulation training device is acceptable as part of the total flight time of 40 hours. (2) When the applicant has flight time as a pilot of aircraft in other categories, the Authority should determine whether such experience is acceptable and if so, the extent to which the flight time in item (a) may be reduced. (3) The applicant shall have completed in a powered lift aircraft not less than 10 hours of solo flight time under the supervision of an authorised flight instructor, including five hours of solo cross-country flight time with at least one cross-country flight totaling not less than 270 km (150 NM) in the course of which full stop landings at two different aerodromes shall be made. (b) Flight Instruction. The applicant shall have received not less than 20 hours dual instruction from an authorised instructor in at least the following areas: (1) Recognise threat and error management; (2) Pre-flight operations, including mass and balance determination, powered lift inspection and servicing; (3) Aerodrome and traffic operations, collision avoidance precautions and procedures; (4) Control of the powered lift by external visual reference; (5) Ground manoeuvring and run-ups; hover and rolling take-offs and climb out; hover and rolling approach and landings – normal, out of wind and slopping ground; (6) Take-offs and landings with minimum necessary power; maximum performance take-off and landing techniques; restricted site operations; quick stops; (7) Cross-country flying using visual reference, dead reckoning and, where available, radio navigation aids, including a flight of at least one hour; (8) Emergency operations, including simulated powered lift equipment malfunctions; power of reconversion to autorotation and autorotative approach, where applicable; transmission and interconnect driveshaft failure, where applicable; and (9) Operations to, from and transiting controlled aerodromes, compliance with air traffic services procedures, radiotelephony procedures and phraseology. (c) The requirements for the skill test for the PPL-powered-lift category are included in IS New ICAO Annex 1:;;;;; 14 CFR: 61.107(b)(5); 61.109(e) EXPERIENCE, FLIGHT INSTRUCTION AND SKILL TEST FOR THE PPL—AIRSHIP CATEGORY (a) Experience. The applicant for a PPL- Airship shall have completed not less than 25 hours of flight time as pilot of airships including at least: (1) Three hours of cross-country flight training in an airship with a cross-country flight totaling not less than 45 kilometres (25 NM); (2) Five take-offs and five landings to a full stop at an aerodrome with each landing involving a flight in the traffic pattern of an aerodrome; (3) Three hours of instrument time; and (4) Five hours as pilot assuming the duties of the PIC under the supervision of the PIC. (b) Flight Instruction. The applicant shall have received dual instruction from an authorised instructor in at least the following areas: (1) Pre-flight operations, including mass and balance determination, airships inspections and servicing; (2) Ground reference manoeuvres; (3) Aerodrome and traffic pattern operations, collision avoidance precautions and procedures; (4) Techniques and procedures for the take-off, including appropriate limitations, emergency procedures and signals used; (5) Control of the airships by external visual reference; (6) Take-offs and landings and go-around; (7) Maximum performance (obstacle clearance) take-offs; (8) Flight by reference solely to instruments, including the completion of a level 180 degree turn; (9) Navigation, cross-country flying using visual reference, dead reckoning and radio navigation aids; (10) Emergency operations (recognition of leaks), including simulated airship equipment malfunctions; and (11) Radiotelephony procedures and phraseology. (c) The requirements for the skill test for the PPL—Airship are included in IS New ICAO Annex 1:; 14 CFR: 61.107(b)(7); 61.109(g) EXPERIENCE, FLIGHT INSTRUCTION AND SKILL TEST FOR THE PPL—BALLOON CATEGORY (a) Experience. The applicant for a PPL- balloon shall have completed not less than 16 hours of flight time as pilot of balloons including at least 8 launches and accents, at least one of which must be solo. (b) Flight Instruction. The applicant shall have received dual instruction in free balloons from an authorised instructor in at least the following areas: (1) Pre-flight operations, including balloon assembly, rigging, inflation, mooring, and inspection; |