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(409) Rendering (a certificate of airworthiness) valid.  The action taken by a Contracting State, as an alternative to issuing its own Certificate of  Airworthiness, in accepting a Certificate of Airworthiness issued by any other Contracting State as the equivalent of its own Certificate of Airworthiness.
(410) Reference standard.  A standard that is used to maintain working standards.
(411) Re-issue of a licence, rating, authorisation or certificate.  The administrative action taken after a licence, rating, authorisation or certificate has lapsed that re-issues the privileges of the licence, rating, authorisation or certificate for a further specified period consequent upon the fulfilment of specified requirements.
(412) Remote pilot.  A person charged by the operator with duties essential to the operation of a remotely piloted aircraft and who manipulates the flight controls, as appropriate, during flight time.
(413) Remote pilot station.  The component of the remotely piloted aircraft system containing the equipment used to pilot the remotely piloted aircraft.
(414) Remotely piloted aircraft (RPA).  An unmanned aircraft which is piloted from a remote pilot station.
(415) Remotely piloted aircraft system (RPAS).  A remotely piloted aircraft, its associated remote pilot station(s), the required command and control links and any other components as specified in the type design.
(416) Rendering (a licence) valid.  The action taken by a Contracting State, as an alternative to  issuing its own licence, in accepting a licence issued by any other Contracting State as the equivalent of its own licence.  Also referred to as validation
(417) Renewal of licence, rating, authorisation or certificate.  The administrative action taken within the period of validity of a licence, rating, authorisation or certificate that allows the holder to continue to exercise the privileges of a licence, rating, authorisation or certificate for a further specified period consequent upon the fulfilment of specified requirements.
(418) Repair.
(i) The restoration of an aeronautical product to an airworthy condition as defined by the appropriate airworthiness requirements;
(ii) The restoration of an aeronautical product to an airworthy condition to ensure that the aircraft continues to comply with the design aspects of the appropriate airworthiness requirements used for the issuance of the type certificate for the respective aircraft type, after it has been damaged or subjected to wear.  (ICAO Annex 6 definition).
(419) Repetitive flight plan (RPL).  A flight plan related to a series of frequently recurring, regularly operated individual flights with identical basic features, submitted by an operator for retention and repetitive use by ATC units.
(420) Reporting point.  A specified geographical location in relation to which the position of the aircraft can be reported.
(421) Required communication performance (RCP). A statement of the performance requirements for operational communication in support of specific ATM functions.
(422) Required communication performance type (RCP type).  A label (e.g. RCP 240) that represents the values assigned to RCP parameters for communication transaction time, continuity, availability and integrity.
(423) Required inspection items.  As used in Part 5, maintenance items and/or alterations that must be inspected by a person other than the one performing the work, and include at least those that could result in a failure, malfunction, or defect endangering the safe operation of the aircraft, if not properly performed or if improper parts or materials are used.
(424) Required navigation performance (RNP).  A statement of the navigation performance necessary for operations with a defined airspace.
(425) Rest period.  A continuous and defined period of time, subsequent to and/or prior to duty, during which flight or cabin crew members are free of all duties.
(426) Restricted area.  An airspace of defined dimensions, above the land areas or territorial waters of a State, within which the flight of aircraft is restricted in accordance with certain specified conditions.
(427) Rotorcraft.  A power-driven heavier-than-air aircraft supported in flight by the reactions of the air on one or more rotors.
(428) Rotorcraft flight manual.  A manual, associated with the certificate of airworthiness, containing limitations within which the rotorcraft is to be considered airworthy, and instructions and information necessary to the flight crew members of the safe operation of the rotorcraft.
(429) Rotorcraft load combinations.  Configurations for external loads carried by rotorcraft—
(i) Class A—external load fixed to the rotorcraft, cannot be jettisoned, and does not extend below the landing gear, used to transport cargo.
(ii) Class B—external load suspended from the rotorcraft, which can be jettisoned, and is transported free of land or water during rotorcraft operations.
(iii) Class C—external load suspended from the rotorcraft, which can be jettisoned, but remains in contact with land or water during rotorcraft operation.
(iv) Class D—external load suspended from the rotorcraft for the carriage of persons.
(430) Route sector.  A flight comprising take off, departure, cruise of not less than 15  minutes, arrival, approach and landing phases.
(431) RPA observer.  A trained and competent person designed by the operator who, by visual observation of the remotely piloted aircraft, assists the remote pilot in the safe conduct of the flight.
(432) Runway.  A defined rectangular area on a land aerodrome prepared for the landing and takeoff of aircraft.
(433) Runway-holding position.  A designated position intended to protect a runway, an obstacle limitation surface, or an ILS/MLS critical/sensitive area at which taxiing aircraft and vehicles shall stop and hold, unless otherwise authorised by the aerodrome control tower.
(434) Runway visual range (RVR).  The range over which the pilot of an aircraft on the centre line of a runway can see the runway surface markings or the lights delineating the runway or identifying its centre line.
(435) Safe forced landing.  Unavoidable landing or ditching with a reasonable expectancy of no injuries to persons in the aircraft or on the surface.
(436) Safety.  The state in which risks associated with aviation activities, related to, or in direct support of the operations of aircraft, are reduced and controlled to an acceptable level.
(437) Safety-sensitive personnel.  Persons who might endanger aviation safety if they perform their duties and functions improperly including, but not limited to, crew members, aircraft maintenance personnel and air traffic controllers.
(438) Safety management system (SMS).  A systematic approach to managing safety, including the necessary organisational structures, accountabilities, policies and procedures.
(439) Safety performance.  A State or service provider’s safety achievement as defined by its safety performance targets and safety performance indicators.
(440) Safety performance indicator.  A data-based parameter used for monitoring and assessing performance.
(441) Safety performance target.  The planned or intended objective for safety performance indicator(s) over a given period.
(442) Safety programme.  An integrated set of regulations and activities aimed at improving safety.
(443) Safety recommendation.  A proposal of the accident investigation authority of the State conducting the investigation, based on information derived from the investigation made with the intention of preventing accidents or incidents.
(444) Safety risk.  The predicted probability and severity of the consequences or outcomes of a hazard.
(445) Satellite aviation training organisation.  An aviation training organization at a location other than the aviation training organisation’s principal place of business.
(446) Satisfactory evidence.  A set of documents or activities that a Contracting State accepts as sufficient to show compliance with an airworthiness requirement.
(447) Secondary standards.  A standard maintained by comparison with a primary standard.
(448) Serious incident.  An incident involving circumstances indicated that an accident nearly occurred.
(449) Serious injury.  An injury which is sustained by a person in an accident and which:
(i) Requires hospitalisation for more than 48 hours, commencing within seven days from the date the injury was received;
(ii) Results in a fracture of any bone (except simple fractures of fingers, toes or nose); or
(iii) Involves lacerations which cause severe haemorrhage, nerve, muscle or tendon damage; or
(iv) Involves injury to any internal organ; or
(v) Involves second or third degree burns, or any burns affecting more than 5% of the body surface; or
(vi) Involves verified exposure to infectious substances or injurious radiation.
(450) Shall.  A rule of construction in Part that indicates a mandatory requirement.
(451) Signal area.  An area on an aerodrome used for the display of ground signals.
(452) Signature.  An individual’s unique identification used as a means of authenticating a record entry or record.  A signature may be hand-written, electronic, or any other form acceptable to the Authority.
(453) Signed maintenance release.  To certify that maintenance work has been completed satisfactorily in accordance with the applicable Standards of airworthiness, by issuing the maintenance release referred to in MCAR part 5.
(454) Significant.  In the context of the medical provisions in MCAR 2.11, significant means to a degree or of a nature that is likely to jeopardise flight safety.
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