时间:2015-01-22 15:14来源:蓝天飞行翻译公司 作者:民航翻译 点击:次
To view this page ensure that Adobe Flash Player version 9.0.124 or greater is installed. (6) Accredited medical conclusion. The conclusion reached by one or more medical experts acceptable to the Licensing Authority for the purposes of the case concerned, in consultation with flight operations or other experts as necessary. (7) Accredited representative. As relating to an aircraft accident, a person designated by a State, on the basis of his or her qualifications, for the purpose of participating in an investigation conducted by another party. (8) Acrobatic flight. Manoeuvres intentionally performed by an aircraft involving an abrupt change in its attitude, an abnormal attitude, or an abnormal variation in speed. (9) Acts of unlawful interference. These are acts or attempted acts such as to jeopardise the safety of civil aviation and transport, i.e., : (i) Unlawful seizure of aircraft in flight (ii) Unlawful seizure of aircraft on the ground, (iii) Hostage-taking on board an aircraft or on aerodromes, (iv) Forcible intrusion on board an aircraft, at an airport or on the premises of an aeronautical facility, (v) Introduction on board an aircraft or at an airport of a weapon or hazardous device or material intended for criminal purposes, (vi) Communication of false information as to jeopardize the safety of an aircraft in flight or on the ground, of passengers, crew, ground personnel or the general public, at an airport or on the premises of a civil aviation facility. (10) ADS agreement. An ADS reporting plan that establishes the conditions of ADS data reporting (i.e., data required by the air traffic services or control unit and frequency of ADS reports that have to be agreed to prior to the provision of the ADS services). (11) Advisor. As relating to an aircraft accident, a person appointed by a State on the basis of his or her qualifications, for the purpose of assisting its accredited representative in an investigation. (ICAO Annex 13) (12) Advisory airspace. An airspace of defined dimensions, or designated route, within which air traffic advisory service is available. (13) Advisory route. A designated route along which air traffic advisory service is available. (14) Aerial work. An aircraft operation in which an aircraft is used for specialised services such as agriculture, construction, photography, surveying, observation and patrol, search and rescue, aerial advertisement, etc. (15) Aerodrome. A defined area on land or water (including any buildings, installations and equipment) intended to be used either wholly or in part for the arrival, departure and surface movement of aircraft. (16) Aerodrome control service. Air traffic control service for aerodrome traffic. (17) Aerodrome control tower. A unit established to provide air traffic control service to aerodrome traffic. (18) Aerodrome operating minima. The limits of usability of an aerodrome for: (i) Takeoff, expressed in terms of runway visual range and/or visibility and, if necessary, cloud conditions; (ii) Landing in 2D instrument approach operations, expressed in terms of visibility and/or runway visual range, minimum descent altitude/height (MDA/H), and, if necessary, cloud conditions; and, (iii) Landing in 3D instrument approach operations, expressed in terms of visibility and/or runway visual range and decision altitude/height (DA/H) as appropriate to the type and/or category of operation. (19) Aerodrome traffic zone. An airspace of defined dimensions established around an aerodrome for the protection of aerodrome traffic. (20) Aeronautical experience. Pilot time obtained in an aircraft, approved flight simulation training device for meeting the training and flight time requirements of these regulations. (21) Aeronautical product. Any aircraft, aircraft engine, propeller, or subassembly, appliance, material, part, or component to be installed thereon. (22) Aeroplane. A power-driven heavier-than-air aircraft, deriving its lift in flight chiefly from aerodynamic reactions on surfaces which remain fixed under given conditions of flight. (23) Aeroplane flight manual. A manual, associated with the certificate of airworthiness, containing limitations within which the aeroplane is to be considered airworthy, and instructions and information necessary to the flight crew members of the safe operation of the aeroplane. (24) Agricultural aircraft operation. The operation of an aircraft for the purpose of— (i) Dispensing any economic poison; (ii) Dispensing any other substance intended for plant nourishment, soil treatment, propagation of plant life, or pest control; or (iii) Engaging in dispensing activities directly affecting agriculture, horticulture, or forest preservation, but not including the dispensing of live insects. (25) Aided night flight. For a flight in which a pilot uses night vision goggles, the portion of the flight in which the pilot uses night vision goggles to maintain visual surface reference. (26) Air navigation facility. Any facility used in, available for use in, or designed for use in aid of air navigation, including aerodromes, landing areas, lights, any apparatus or equipment for disseminating weather information, for signalling, for radio directional finding, or for radio or other electrical communication, and any other structure or mechanism having a similar purpose for guiding or controlling flight in the air or the landing and takeoff of aircraft. (27) Air operator. Any organisation which undertakes to engage in domestic commercial air transport or international commercial air transport, whether directly or indirectly or by a lease or any other arrangement. (Law) (28) Air operator certificate (AOC). A certificate authorising an operator to carry out specified commercial air transport operations. (29) Air traffic. All aircraft in flight or operating on the manoeuvring area of an aerodrome. (30) Air traffic control clearance. Authorisation for an aircraft to proceed under conditions specified by an air traffic control unit. Note: For convenience, the term “air traffic control clearance” is frequently abbreviated to “clearance” when used in appropriate context. The abbreviated term “clearance” may be prefixed by the words: taxi, takeoff, departure, en route, approach or landing, to indicate the particular portion of flight to which the air traffic control clearance relates. (31) Air traffic control (ATC) facility. A building holding the persons and equipment responsible for providing ATC services (e.g., airport tower, approach control, centre). May also be called air traffic control unit. (32) Air traffic control service. A service provided within advisory airspace that promotes the safe, orderly, and expeditious flow and separation of air traffic at aerodromes and during the approach, departure, and en route environments including aircraft that are operating on IFR flight plans. Also can be called air traffic advisory service or air traffic service (ATS). (33) Air traffic service (ATS). See Air traffic control service. (34) Air traffic services airspaces. Airspaces of defined dimensions, alphabetically designated, within which specific types of flights may operate and for which air traffic services and rules of operation are specified. Note: ATS airspaces are classified as Class A to G. (35) Air traffic services reporting office. A unit established for the purpose of receiving reports concerning air traffic services and flight plans submitted before departure. Note: An air traffic services reporting office may be established as a separate unit or combined with an existing unit, such as another air traffic services unit, or a unit of the aeronautical information service. (36) Airborne image recorder (AIR). A device that uses a combination of cameras to collect and record information that reflects the status of various parts of the aircraft (internal and external). Source: EUROCAE ED-112 "Minimum Operational Performance Specification for Crash Protected Airborne Recorder Systems," March 2003, paragraph 1-1.5.1. Note: FAA definition of AIR: Equipment intended to record aircraft flight images and store the data in crash-protected memory to assist in accident or incident investigations. Source: FAA TSO-C176 "Aircraft Cockpit Image recorder Systems," 7/28/2006, paragraph 3.a. (37) Aircraft. Any machine that can derive support in the atmosphere from the reactions of the air other than the reactions of the air against the earth’s surface. (38) Aircraft accident. An occurrence associated with the operation of an aircraft which takes place between the time any person boards the aircraft with the intention of flight until such time as all such persons have disembarked, in which: (i) A person is fatally or seriously injured as a result of— (A) Being in the aircraft; (B) Direct contact with any part of the aircraft, including parts which have become detached from the aircraft; or (C) Direct exposure to jet blast, except when the injuries are from natural causes, self-inflicted or inflicted by other persons, or when the injuries are to stowaways hiding outside the areas normally available to the passengers and crew. (ii) The aircraft sustains damage or structural failure which adversely affects the structural strength, performance or flight characteristics of the aircraft, and would normally require major repair or replacement of the affected component, except for engine failure or damage, when the damage is limited to the engine, its cowlings or accessories; or for damage limited to propellers, wing tips, antennas, tires, brakes, fairings, small dents or puncture holes in the aircraft skin; or the aircraft is missing or is completely inaccessible. |