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(i) Before takeoff checks.
(ii) Normal and crosswind takeoff.
(iii) Maintaining tow positions.
(iv) Slack line.
(v) Boxing the wake.
(vi) Tow release.
(vii) Abnormal occurrences.
(5) Launches– ground tow, including the applicant’s knowledge and performance of the following tasks—
(i) Before takeoff check.
(ii) Normal and crosswind takeoff.
(iii) Abnormal occurrences.
(6) Launches– self-launch, including the applicant’s knowledge and performance of the following tasks—
(i) Engine starting.
(ii) Taxiing.
(iii) Before takeoff check.
(iv) Normal and crosswind takeoff and climb.
(v) Engine shutdown in flight.
(vi) Abnormal occurrences.
(7) Landings, including the applicant’s knowledge and performance of the following tasks—
(i) Normal and cross wind landing.
(ii) Slips to landing.
(iii) Downwind landing.
(8) Performance airspeeds, including the applicant’s knowledge and performance of the following tasks—
(i) Minimum sink airspeed.
(ii) Speed-to-fly.
(9) Soaring techniques, including the applicant’s knowledge and performance of the following tasks—
(i) Thermal soaring.
(ii) Ridge and slope soaring.
(iii) Wave soaring.
(10) Performance manoeuvres, including the applicant’s knowledge and performance of the following tasks—
(i) Straight glides.
(ii) Turns to headings.
(iii) Steep turns.
(11) Navigation, including the applicant’s knowledge and performance of the following tasks—
(i) Flight preparation and planning.
(ii) National airspace system.
(12) Slow flight and stalls, including the applicant’s knowledge and performance of the following tasks—
(i) Manoeuvring at minimum control airspeed.
(ii) Stall recognition and recovery.
(13) Emergency operations, including the applicant’s knowledge and performance of the following tasks—
(i) Simulated off-airport landing.
(ii) Emergency equipment and survival gear.
(14) Post-flight procedures, including the applicant’s knowledge and performance of the following tasks—
(i) After-landing and securing.
Annex 1:
FAA Practical Test Standard: FAA –S-8081-22
(a) The skill test for the single-engine and multi-engine commercial pilot licence - aeroplane shall include at least the following areas of operation with CRM competencies applied and evident in all tasks:
Note 1: When (SE) is indicated, the item or paragraph is only for single-engine; when (ME) is indicated, the item or paragraph is only for multi-engine. When nothing is indicated, the item or paragraph is for single-engine and multi-engine.
Note 2: When (S) is indicated, the item is only for seaplanes, when (L) is indicated, the item is only for landplanes. When nothing is indicated, the item is for land and seaplanes.
(1) Preflight preparation; including the applicant’s knowledge and performance of the following tasks—
(i) Licences and documents.
(ii) Airworthiness requirements.
(iii) Weather information.
(iv) Cross-country flight planning.
(v) National airspace system.
(vi) Performance and limitations.
(vii) Operation of system.
(viii) Principles of flight (ME).
(ix) Water and Seaplane characteristics (S).
(x) Seaplane bases, maritime rules and aids to marine navigation (S).
(xi) Aeromedical factors.
(2) Preflight procedures; including the applicant’s knowledge and performance of the following tasks—
(i) Preflight inspection.
(ii) Cockpit management.
(iii) Engine Starting.
(iv) Taxiing (L).
(v) Taxiing and sailing (S).
(vi) Before takeoff check.
(3) Aerodrome and seaplane base operations; including the applicant’s knowledge and performance of the following tasks—
(i) Radio communications and ATC light signals.
(ii) Traffic patterns.
(iii) Aerodrome/Seaplane base, runway and taxiway signs, markings and lighting.
(4) Takeoffs, landings and go-arounds; including the applicant’s knowledge and performance of the following tasks—
(i) Normal and crosswind takeoff and climb.
(ii) Normal and crosswind approach and landing.
(iii) Soft-field takeoff and climb (SE).
(iv) Soft-field approach and landing (SE).
(v) Short-field (Confined area (S)) takeoff and maximum performance climb.
(vi) Short-field (Confined area (S)) approach and landing.
(vii) Glassy water takeoff and climb (S).
(viii) Glassy water approach and landing (S).
(ix) Rough water takeoff and climb (S).
(x) Rough water approach and landing (S).
(xi) Power-off 180 degrees accuracy approach and landing (SE).
(xii) Go-around /rejected landing.
(5) Performance manoeuvres; including the applicant’s knowledge and performance of the following tasks—
(i) Steep turns.
(ii) Steep spiral (SE).
(iii) Chandelles (SE).
(iv) Lazy eights (SE).
(6) Ground reference manoeuvres; including the applicant’s knowledge and performance of the following tasks—
(i) Eights on pylons (SE).
(7) Navigation; including the applicant’s knowledge and performance of the following tasks—
(i) Pilotage and dead reckoning.
(ii) Navigation systems and radar services.
(iii) Diversion.
(iv) Lost procedures
(8) Slow flight and stalls; including the applicant’s knowledge and performance of the following tasks—
(i) Manoeuvring during slow flight.
(ii) Power-off stalls.
(iii) Power-on stalls.
(iv) Spin awareness.
(9) Emergency operations; including the applicant’s knowledge and performance of the following tasks—
(i) Emergency approach and landing.
(ii) Emergency descent (ME).
(iii) Engine failure during takeoff before VMC (simulated) (ME).
(iv) Engine failure after lift-off (simulated) (ME).
(v) Approach and landing with an inoperative engine (simulated) (ME).
(vi) Systems and equipment malfunctions.
(vii) Emergency equipment and survival gear.
(10) High altitude operations; including the applicant’s knowledge and performance of the following tasks—
(i) Supplemental oxygen.
(ii) Pressurisation.
(11) Multi-engine operations (ME); including the applicant’s knowledge and performance of the following tasks—
(i) Manoeuvring with one engine inoperative.
(ii) VMC demonstration.
(iii) Engine failure during flight (by reference to instruments.
(iv) Instrument approach – one engine inoperative (by reference to instruments).
(12) Post-flight procedures; including the applicant’s knowledge and performance of the following tasks—
(i) After landing, parking and securing.
(ii) Anchoring (S).
(iii) Docking and mooring (S).
(iv) Ramping/beaching (S).
FAA Practical Test Standard: FAA-S-8081-12B
Appendix 2 to JAR-FCL 1.170
(a) The skill test for the commercial pilot licence – helicopter shall include at least the following areas of operation with CRM competencies applied and evident in all tasks:
(1) Preflight preparation; including the applicant’s knowledge and performance of the following tasks—
(i) Licences and documents.
(ii) Weather information.
(iii) Cross-country flight planning.
(iv) National airspace system.
(v) Performance and limitations.
(vi) Operation of system.
(vii) Minimum equipment list.
(viii) Aeromedical factors.
(ix) Physiological aspects of night flying.
(x) Lighting and equipment for night flying.
(2) Preflight procedures; including the applicant’s knowledge and performance of the following tasks—
(i) Preflight inspection.
(ii) Cockpit management.
(iii) Engine Starting and rotor engagement.
(iv) Before takeoff check.
(3) Aerodrome and heliport operations; including the applicant’s knowledge and performance of the following tasks—
(i) Radio communications and ATC light signals.
(ii) Traffic patterns.
(iii) Aerodrome and heliport markings and lighting.
(4) Hovering manoeuvres; including the applicant’s knowledge and performance of the following tasks—
(i) Vertical takeoff and landing.
(ii) Slope operations.
(iii) Surface taxi.
(iv) Hover taxi.
(v) Air taxi.
(5) Takeoffs, landings and go-arounds; including the applicant’s knowledge and performance of the following tasks—
(i) Normal and crosswind takeoff and climb.
(ii) Normal and crosswind approach and landing.
(iii) Maximum performance takeoff and climb.
(iv) Steep approach.
(v) Rolling takeoff.
(vi) Shallow approach and running/roll-on landing.
(vii) Go-around.
(6) Performance manoeuvre; including the applicant’s knowledge and performance of the following tasks—
(i) Rapid deceleration.
(ii) 180 Degrees autorotation.
(7) Navigation; including the applicant’s knowledge and performance of the following tasks—
(i) Pilotage and dead reckoning.
(ii) Radio navigation and radar services.
(iii) Diversion.
(iv) Lost procedures.
(8) Emergency operations; including the applicant’s knowledge and performance of the following tasks—
(i) Power failure at a hover.
(ii) Power failure at altitude.
(iii) Systems and equipment malfunctions.
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