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直升机飞行手册 Helicopter Flying Handbook

时间:2014-11-09 12:30来源:FAA 作者:直升机翻译 点击:

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The benefit of placing the helicopter near the ground is lost above IGE altitude. Above this altitude, the power required to hover remains nearly constant, given similar conditions (such as wind). Induced flow velocity is increased, resulting in a decrease in AOA and a decrease in lift. Under the correct circumstances, this downward flow can become so localized that the helicopter and locally disturbed air will sink at alarming rates. This effect is called settling with power and is discussed at length in a later chapter. A higher blade pitch angle is required to maintain the same AOA as in IGE hover. The increased pitch angle also creates more drag. This increased pitch angle and drag requires more power to hover OGE than IGE. [Figure 2-21]
Rotor Blade Angles
There are two angles that enable a rotor system to produce the lift required for a helicopter to fly: angle of incidence and angle of attack.
Angle of Incidence
Angle of incidence is the angle between the chord line of a main or tail rotor blade and the rotor hub. It is a mechanical angle rather than an aerodynamic angle and is sometimes referred to as blade pitch angle. [Figure 2-22] In the absence of induced flow, AOA and angle of incidence are the same. Whenever induced flow, up flow (inflow), or airspeed modifies the relative wind, the AOA is different from the angle of incidence. Collective input and cyclic feathering change the angle of incidence. A change in the angle of incidence changes the AOA, which changes the coefficient of lift, thereby changing the lift produced by the airfoil.
Angle of Attack
AOA is the angle between the airfoil chord line and resultant relative wind. [Figure 2-23] AOA is an aerodynamic angle and not easy to measure. It can change with no change in the blade pitch angle (angle of incidence, discussed earlier).
When the AOA is increased, air flowing over the airfoil is
diverted over a greater distance, resulting in an increase of
air velocity and more lift. As the AOA is increased further,
it becomes more difficult for air to flow smoothly across the top of the airfoil. At this point, the airflow begins to separate from the airfoil and enters a burbling or turbulent pattern. The turbulence results in a large increase in drag and loss of lift in the area where it is taking place. Increasing the AOA increases lift until the critical angle of attack is reached. Any increase in the AOA beyond this point produces a stall and a rapid decrease in lift.
Several factors may change the rotor blade AOA. The pilot has little direct control over AOA except indirectly through the flight control input. Collective and cyclic feathering help to make these changes. Feathering is the rotation of the blade about its spanwise axis by collective/cyclic inputs causing changes in blade pitch angle. Collective feathering changes angle of incidence equally and in the same direction on all rotor blades simultaneously. This action changes AOA, which changes coefficient of lift (CL), and affects overall lift of the rotor system.
Cyclic feathering changes angle of incidence differentially around the rotor system. Cyclic feathering creates a differential lift in the rotor system by changing the AOA differentially across the rotor system. Aviators use cyclic feathering to control attitude of the rotor system. It is the means to control rearward tilt of the rotor (blowback) caused by flapping action and (along with blade flapping) counteract dissymmetry of lift (discussed in chapter 3). Cyclic feathering causes attitude of the rotor disk to change but does not change the amount of lift the rotor system is producing.
Most of the changes in AOA come from change in airspeed and rate of climb or descent; others such as flapping occur automatically due to rotor system design. Flapping is the up and down movement of rotor blades about a hinge on a fully articulated rotor system. The semi-rigid system does not have a hinge but flap as a unit. The rigid rotor system has no vertical or horizontal hinges so the blades cannot flap or drag, but they can flex. By flexing, the blades themselves compensate for the forces which previously required rugged hinges. It occurs in response to changes in lift due to changing velocity or cyclic feathering. No flapping occurs when the tip-path plane is perpendicular to the mast. The flapping action alone, or along with cyclic feathering, controls dissymmetry of lift. Flapping is the primary means of compensating for dissymmetry of lift.
直升机翻译 www.aviation.cn
本文链接地址:直升机飞行手册 Helicopter Flying Handbook