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航行情报手册 Aeronautical Information Manual (AIM) 2

时间:2011-04-18 00:50来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空 点击:

g. Special Security Instructions.
1.During defense emergency or air defense emergency conditions, additional special security instructions may be issued in accordance with the Emergency Security Control of Air Traffic (ESCAT) Plan.
2.Under the provisions of the ESCAT Plan, the military will direct the action to be taken in regard to landing, grounding, diversion, or dispersal of aircraft and the control of air navigation aids in the defense of the U.S. during emergency conditions.
3.At the time a portion or all of ESCAT is implemented, ATC facilities will broadcast appropriate instructions received from the Air Traffic Control System Command Center (ATCSCC) over available ATC frequencies. Depending on instructions received from the ATCSCC, VFR flights may be directed to land at the nearest available airport, and IFR flights will be expected to proceed as directed by ATC.
4.Pilots on the ground may be required to file a flight plan and obtain an approval (through FAA) prior to conducting flight operation.
5. In view of the above, all pilots should guard an ATC or FSS frequency at all times while conducting flight operations.
5.6.2. Interception Procedures
a. General.
1.Identification intercepts during peacetime operations are vastly different than those conducted under increased states of readiness. Unless otherwise directed by the control agency, intercepted aircraft will be identified by type only. When specific information is required (i.e., markings, serial numbers, etc.) the interceptor aircrew will respond only if the request can be conducted in a safe manner. During hours of darkness or Instrument Meteorologi-cal Conditions (IMC), identification of unknown aircraft will be by type only. The interception pattern described below is the typical peacetime method used by air interceptor aircrews. In all situations, the interceptor aircrew will use caution to avoid startling the intercepted aircrew and/or passengers.
2.All aircraft operating in the U.S. national airspace, if capable, will maintain a listening watch on VHF guard 121.5 or UHF 243.0. It is incumbent on all aviators to know and understand their responsibilities if intercepted. Additionally, if the
military intercepts an aircraft and flares are dispensed in the area of that aircraft, aviators will pay strict attention, contact air traffic control immediately on the local frequency or on VHF guard 121.5 or UHF 243.0 and follow the intercept’s visual ICAO signals. Be advised that noncompliance may result in the use of force.
b.Intercept phases (See FIG 5.6.1).
1. Phase One. Approach Phase. During peacetime, intercepted aircraft will be approached from the stern. Generally two interceptor aircraft will be employed to accomplish the identification. The flight leader and wingman will coordinate their individual positions in conjunction with the ground controlling agency. Their relation-ship will resemble a line abreast formation. At night or in IMC, a comfortable radar trail tactic will be used. Safe vertical separation between interceptor aircraft and unknown aircraft will be maintained at all times.
5.6.2 National Security and Interception Procedures
2/11/10  AIM
FIG 5.6.1 Interception Procedures
Note: During Night/IMC,
approach will be from
below flight path.
2. Phase Two. Identification Phase. The intercepted aircraft should expect to visually acquire the lead interceptor and possibly the wingman during this phase in visual meteorological conditions (VMC). The wingman will assume a surveillance position while the flight leader approaches the unknown aircraft. Intercepted aircraft personnel may observe the use of different drag devices to allow for speed and position stabilization during this phase. The flight leader will then initiate a gentle closure toward the intercepted aircraft, stopping at a distance no closer than absolutely necessary to obtain the information needed. The interceptor aircraft will use every possible precaution to avoid startling intercepted aircrew or passengers. Additionally, the interceptor aircrews will constantly keep in mind that maneuvers considered normal to a fighter aircraft may be considered hazardous to passengers and crews of nonfighter aircraft. When interceptor aircrews know or believe that an unsafe condition exists, the identification phase will be terminated. As previously stated, during darkness or IMC identification of unknown aircraft will be by type only. Positive vertical separation will be maintained by interceptor aircraft throughout this phase.
3. Phase Three. Post Intercept Phase. Upon identification phase completion, the flight leader will turn away from the intercepted aircraft. The wingman will remain well clear and accomplish a rejoin with the leader.
National Security and Interception Procedures
c. Communication interface between interceptor aircrews and the ground controlling agency is essential to ensure successful intercept completion. Flight Safety is paramount. An aircraft which is intercepted by another aircraft shall immediately:
1.Follow the instructions given by the intercepting aircraft, interpreting and responding to the visual signals.
2.Notify, if possible, the appropriate air traffic services unit.
3.Attempt to establish radio communication with the intercepting aircraft or with the appropriate intercept control unit, by making a general call on the emergency frequency 243.0 MHz and repeating this call on the emergency frequency 121.5 MHz, if practicable, giving the identity and position of the aircraft and the nature of the flight.
4.If equipped with SSR transponder, select Mode 3/A Code 7700, unless otherwise instructed by the appropriate air traffic services unit. If any instructions received by radio from any sources conflict with those given by the intercepting aircraft by visual or radio signals, the intercepted aircraft
航空翻译 www.aviation.cn
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