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航行情报手册 Aeronautical Information Manual (AIM) 2

时间:2011-04-18 00:50来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空 点击:

3. MWA. When pilots encounter MWA, they should contact ATC and report the magnitude and location of the wave activity. When a controller makes a merging targets traffic call, the pilot may request a vector to avoid flying directly over or under the traffic. In situations where the pilot is experiencing altitude deviations of 200 feet or greater, the pilot will request a vector to avoid traffic. Until the pilot reports clear of MWA, the controller will apply merging target vectors to one or both passing aircraft to prevent their targets from merging:
“Yankee 123, FL 310, unable RVSM due mountain wave.”
“Yankee 123, fly heading 290; traffic twelve o’clock, 10 miles, opposite direction; eastbound MD.80 at FL 320” (or the controller may issue a vector to the MD.80 traffic to avoid Yankee 123).
4. FL Change or Re.route. To leave airspace where MWA or severe turbulence is being encountered, the pilot may request a FL change and/or re.route, if necessary.
4.6.7. Guidance on Wake Turbulence
a.Pilots should be aware of the potential for wake turbulence encounters in RVSM airspace. Experience gained since 1997 has shown that such encounters in RVSM airspace are generally moderate or less in magnitude.
b.Prior to DRVSM implementation, the FAA established provisions for pilots to report wake turbulence events in RVSM airspace using the NASA Aviation Safety Reporting System (ASRS). A “Safety Reporting” section established on the FAA RVSM Documentation webpage provides contacts, forms, and reporting procedures.
c.To date, wake turbulence has not been reported as a significant factor in DRVSM operations. European authorities also found that reports of wake turbulence encounters did not increase significantly
after RVSM implementation (eight versus seven reports in a ten.month period). In addition, they found that reported wake turbulence was generally similar to moderate clear air turbulence.
d. Pilot Action to Mitigate Wake Turbulence Encounters
1. Pilots should be alert for wake turbulence when operating:
(a)In the vicinity of aircraft climbing or descending through their altitude.
(b)Approximately 10.30 miles after passing 1,000 feet below opposite.direction traffic.
(c)Approximately 10.30 miles behind and 1,000 feet below same.direction traffic.
2. Pilots encountering or anticipating wake turbulence in DRVSM airspace have the option of requesting a vector, FL change, or if capable, a lateral offset.
1.Offsets of approximately a wing span upwind generally can move the aircraft out of the immediate vicinity of another aircraft’s wake vortex.
2.In domestic U.S. airspace, pilots must request clearance to fly a lateral offset. Strategic lateral offsets flown in oceanic airspace do not apply.
e. The FAA will track wake turbulence events as an element of its post implementation program. The FAA will advertise wake turbulence reporting procedures to the operator community and publish reporting procedures on the RVSM Documentation Webpage (See address in paragraph 4.6.3, Aircraft and Operator Approval Policy/Procedures, RVSM Monitoring and Databases for Aircraft and Operator Approval.
4.6.8. Pilot/Controller Phraseology
TBL 4.6.1 shows standard phraseology that pilots and controllers will use to communicate in DRVSM operations.
TBL 4.6.1
Pilot/Controller Phraseology
Message  Phraseology
For a controller to ascertain the RVSM approval status of an aircraft:  (call sign) confirm RVSM approved
Pilot indication that flight is RVSM approved  Affirm RVSM
Pilot report of lack of RVSM approval (non.RVSM status). Pilot will report non.RVSM status, as follows: a. On the initial call on any frequency in the RVSM airspace and . . .. b. In all requests for flight level changes pertaining to flight levels within the RVSM airspace and . . .. c. In all read backs to flight level clearances pertaining to flight levels within the RVSM airspace and . . .. d. In read back of flight level clearances involving climb and descent through RVSM airspace (FL 290 . 410).  Negative RVSM, (supplementary information, e.g., “Certification flight”).
Pilot report of one of the following after entry into RVSM airspace: all primary altimeters, automatic altitude control systems or altitude alerters have failed. (See paragraph 4.6.9, Contingency Actions: Weather Encounters and Aircraft System Failures.) NOTE.
This phrase is to be used to convey both the initial indication of RVSM aircraft system failure and on initial contact on all frequencies in RVSM airspace until the problem ceases to exist or the aircraft has exited RVSM airspace.  Unable RVSM Due Equipment
ATC denial of clearance into RVSM airspace  Unable issue clearance into RVSM airspace, maintain FL
*Pilot reporting inability to maintain cleared flight level due to weather encounter. (See paragraph 4.6.9, Contingency Actions: Weather Encounters and Aircraft System Failures).  *Unable RVSM due (state reason) (e.g., turbulence, mountain wave)ATC requesting pilot to confirm that an aircraft has regained RVSM.approved status or a pilot is ready to resume RVSM  Confirm able to resume RVSM
Pilot ready to resume RVSM after aircraft system or weather contingency  Ready to resume RVSM
4.6.9. Contingency Actions: Weather Encounters and Aircraft System Failures
TBL 4.6.2 provides pilot guidance on actions to take under certain conditions of aircraft system failure and weather encounters. It also describes the expected ATC controller actions in these situations. It is recognized that the pilot and controller will use judgment to determine the action most appropriate to any given situation.
TBL 4.6.2
Contingency Actions:  Weather Encounters and Aircraft System Failures
Initial Pilot Actions in Contingency Situations
Initial pilot actions when unable to maintain flight level (FL) or unsure of aircraft altitude.keeping capability: .Notify ATC and request assistance as detailed below. .Maintain cleared flight level, to the extent possible, while evaluating the situation. .Watch for conflicting traffic both visually and by reference to TCAS, if equipped. .Alert nearby aircraft by illuminating exterior lights (commensurate with aircraft limitations).
航空翻译 www.aviation.cn
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