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航行情报手册 Aeronautical Information Manual (AIM) 2

时间:2011-04-18 00:50来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空 点击:

e. Responsibilities.
1. Each pilot, prior to departing an airport on an IFR flight should:
(a)Consider the type of terrain and other ob-stacles on or in the vicinity of the departure airport;
(b) Determine whether an ODP is available;
(c)Determine if obstacle avoidance can be maintained visually or if the ODP should be flown; and
(d)Consider the effect of degraded climb per-formance and the actions to take in the event of an engine loss during the departure. Pilots should notify ATC as soon as possible of reduced climb capability in that circumstance.
Guidance concerning contingency procedures that address an engine failure on takeoff after V1 speed on a large or turbine.powered transport category airplane may be found in AC 120.91, Airport Obstacle Analysis.
2.After an aircraft is established on an SID and subsequently vectored or cleared off of the SID or SID transition, pilots must consider the SID canceled, unless the controller adds “expect to resume SID.” Aircraft may not be vectored off of an ODP until at or above the MVA/MIA, at which time the ODP is can-celed.
3.Aircraft instructed to resume a SID that con-tains ATC altitude restrictions, shall be
issued/reissued all applicable restrictions or shall be advised to comply with those restrictions.
4.If prior to or after takeoff an altitude restric-tion is issued by ATC, all previously issued “ATC” altitude restrictions are cancelled including those published on a SID.
5.ATC crossing altitude restrictions published on SIDs are identified on the chart with “(ATC)” fol-lowing the minimum altitude restriction. This will indicate to the pilot and the controller that this restriction is for ATC purposes and may be deleted by ATC. When an ATC crossing altitude has been established prior to the beginning of a transition route, a minimum altitude for obstruction clearance or other design constraints will also be published at the same fix adjacent/below the “(ATC)” altitude. The absence of “(ATC)” at a “minimum altitude” indicates the restriction is there to support obstacle clearance, airspace restrictions, Navaid reception, and/or other reason(s) that mandate compliance. These altitudes CANNOT be lowered or cancelled by ATC. A standalone “(ATC)” altitude restriction may also be located on a transition route; however, it must never be lower than the published Minimum Enroute Altitude (MEA).
6.Altitude restrictions published on an ODP are necessary for obstacle clearance and/or design con-straints. Compliance with these restrictions is mandatory and CANNOT be lowered or cancelled by ATC.
f. RNAV Departure Procedures
All public RNAV SIDs and graphic ODPs are RNAV 1. These procedures generally start with an initial RNAV or heading leg near the departure run-way end. In addition, these procedures require system performance currently met by GPS or DME/DME/ IRU RNAV systems that satisfy the criteria discussed in AC 90.100A, U.S. Terminal and En Route Area Navigation (RNAV) Operations. RNAV 1 proce-dures require the aircraft’s total system error remain bounded by :1 NM for 95% of the total flight time.
Departure Procedures 5.2.9
Section 3. En Route Procedures
5.3.1. ARTCC Communications
a. Direct Communications, Controllers and Pilots.
1.ARTCCs are capable of direct communica-tions with IFR air traffic on certain frequencies. Maximum communications coverage is possible through the use of Remote Center Air/Ground (RCAG) sites comprised of both VHF and UHF transmitters and receivers. These sites are located throughout the U.S. Although they may be several hundred miles away from the ARTCC, they are remoted to the various ARTCCs by land lines or microwave links. Since IFR operations are expedited through the use of direct communications, pilots are requested to use these frequencies strictly for communications pertinent to the control of IFR aircraft. Flight plan filing, en route weather, weather forecasts, and similar data should be requested through FSSs, company radio, or appropriate military facilities capable of performing these services.
2.An ARTCC is divided into sectors. Each sector is handled by one or a team of controllers and has its own sector discrete frequency. As a flight progresses from one sector to another, the pilot is requested to change to the appropriate sector discrete frequency.
3.Controller Pilot Data Link Communications (CPDLC) is a system that supplements air/ground voice communications. As a result, it expands two.way air traffic control air/ground communica-tions capabilities. Consequently, the air traffic system’s operational capacity is increased and any associated air traffic delays become minimized. A related safety benefit is that pilot/controller read. back and hear.back errors will be significantly reduced. The CPDLC’s principal operating criteria are:
(a)Voice remains the primary and controlling air/ground communications means.
(b)Participating aircraft will need to have the appropriate CPDLC avionics equipment in order to receive uplink or transmit downlink messages.
(c)CPDLC Build 1 offers four ATC data link services. These are altimeter setting (AS), transfer of
communications (TC), initial contact (IC), and menu text messages (MT).
(1) Altimeter settings are usually trans-mitted automatically when a CPDLC session and eligibility has been established with an aircraft. A controller may also manually send an altimeter setting message.
When conducting instrument approach procedures, pilots are responsible to obtain and use the appropriate altimeter setting in accordance with 14 CFR Section 97.20. CPDLC issued altimeter settings are excluded for this purpose.
(2)Initial contact is a safety validation transaction that compares a pilot’s initiated altitude downlink message with an aircraft’s ATC host computer stored altitude. If an altitude mismatch is detected, the controller will verbally provide corrective action.
(3)Transfer of communications automati-cally establishes data link contact with a succeeding sector.
航空翻译 www.aviation.cn
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