

时间:2018-05-12 08:02来源:蓝天飞行翻译公司 作者:民航翻译 点击:

Equivalent Terms:    Co-pilot, First Officer

Security (Aviation)
The safeguarding of civil aviation against acts of unlawful interference, achieved by a combination of measures and human and material resources.
Note: The term security as used In the ISM and GOSM refers to the safeguarding against acts of unlawful interference that have the potential to affect aircraft operations.
See Aircraft Operations. Security Audit
An in-depth compliance examination of all aspects of the implementation of the national civil aviation security program.
Security Control
A means by which the introduction of weapons, explosives or other dangerous/prohibited devices, articles or substances that could be utilized to commit an act of unlawful interference can be prevented.

Security Equipment
Devices of a specialized nature for use, individually or as part of a system, in the prevention or detection of acts of unlawful interference with civil aviation and its facilities.
Security Inspection
An examination of the implementation of relevant national civil aviation security program requirements by an operator, provider, airport, or other entity involved in security.
Security Management System (SeMS)
The documented system of an operator and/or a provider that delivers ground handling services for an operator, which is based on threat assessment to ensure security operations:
•    Consistently fulfill all requirements mandated in the applicable national civil aviation security program(s);
•    Are conducted in the most efficient and cost effective manner considering the operational environment.
Security Manual
A manual or series of separate manuals containing policies, procedures, instructions and other guidance relevant to the implementation of the Security Program, which is intended for use by operational personnel in the execution of their duties.
Security Program
See Air Operator Security Program (AOSP). Security Restricted Area
Those airside areas of an airport that are identified as priority risk areas where, in addition to access control, other security controls are applied. Such areas will normally include, inter alia, all commercial aviation passenger departure areas between the screening checkpoint and the aircraft, the ramp, baggage make-up areas, including those where aircraft are being brought into service and screened baggage and cargo are present, cargo sheds, mail centers, airside catering and aircraft cleaning premises.
Security Sterile Area
The portion of an airport within the security restricted area that provides passengers access to aircraft boarding, and to which such access is generally controlled through the screening of persons and property.
See Security Restricted Area.
Equivalent Term:    Critical Part of Security Restricted Area

Security Survey
An evaluation of security needs including the identification of vulnerabilities that could be exploited to carry out an act of unlawful interference, and the recommendation of corrective actions.
Security Test
A covert or overt trial of an aviation security measure that simulates an attempt to commit an unlawful act.
Security Threat
A measure of the probability of an act of unlawful interference being committed against civil aviation.
Base Threat Level–Low security threat condition where verifiable intelligence information does not indicate any probability that an airport, operator or provider that delivers ground handling services for an operator has been targeted for attack; the possibility exists for unlawful interference by individuals or groups due to civil unrest, labor disputes and/or local anti-government activities.
Intermediate Threat Level–Security threat condition where verifiable intelligence information indicates a probability that one or more airports, operators and/or providers that deliver ground handling services for operators have been targeted for attack.

High Threat Level–Security threat condition where verifiable intelligence information indicates one or more airports, operators and/or providers that deliver ground handling services for an operator have specifically been targeted for attack.
The state of separation or division that must be maintained between aircraft and commercial components, materials or consumables as well as aircraft serviceable and unserviceable components, materials or consumables.
A continuous program that an organization applies to evaluate its own compliance with its quality system.
Equivalent Terms:    Self Audit, Evaluation Program

Senior Management
The level of management within an organization that has the authority and responsibility for setting policy, demonstrating commitment, meeting requirements, approving resources, setting objectives, implementing processes and achieving desired outcomes.
航空翻译 www.aviation.cn