

时间:2018-05-12 08:02来源:蓝天飞行翻译公司 作者:民航翻译 点击:

Quarantine indicates that a part or material has not been declared serviceable and is subject to investigation or further action.
Quarantine Area
An area set aside for holding parts or materials pending investigation or further action.
The area must be clearly defined and secured, preventing the removal of parts or materials until the investigation or further action has been completed.

Radio Operator
A member of the flight crew who holds a valid license, issued or rendered valid by the State of Registry, authorizing operation of the type of radio transmitting equipment to be used.
See Apron.
Ramp Operations
All aircraft activities that occur on an airport ramp area.
Equivalent Term:    Tarmac Operations

Receiving Inspection (Maintenance)
The area of an organization that is responsible for receiving, checking, testing, evaluating and releasing to service all new and repaired and/or overhauled aircraft parts.

Equivalent Terms:    Receipt Inspection, Stores Inspection

Recommended Practice
A provision that specifies a system, policy, program, process, procedure, plan, set of measures, facility, component, type of equipment, or any other aspect of operations under the Audit Scope of IOSA/ISSA/ISAGO, and with which conformity is optional, but desirable, by an operator/provider.
Reduced Vertical Separation Minima (RVSM)
The minimum vertical separation of 300 m (1000 feet) applied by ATC to aircraft operating in specially defined airspace between flight levels 290 and 410 inclusive.
See IOSA Registration and ISAGO Registration.
Registration Renewal Audit
The Audit of an IOSA/ISAGO Operator for the purpose of IOSA/ISAGO registration renewal. See Audit, IOSA Operator, IOSA Registration.
Regulated Agent
An agent, freight forwarder or other entity that conducts business with an operator or representative of an operator, and provides security controls that are accepted or required by the applicable civil aviation security authorities with respect to cargo or mail.
Regulatory Authority
An organization designated or otherwise recognized by the government of a state for regulatory purposes, which issues rules and regulations in connection with protection and safety.
Reliability (Maintenance)
The probability that an item will perform a required function, under specified conditions, without failure, for a specified period of time.
Reliability Program (Maintenance)
A program for aircraft, aircraft engine and aircraft component reliability based on maintenance statistics.

Remote Pilot Station
The component of the remotely piloted aircraft system containing the equipment used to pilot the remotely piloted aircraft.
Remotely-piloted Aircraft (RPA)
An unmanned aircraft which is piloted from a remote pilot station. Remotely-piloted Aircraft System (RPAS)
A remotely piloted aircraft, its associated remote pilot station(s), the required command and control links and any other components as specified in the type design.
See Remote Pilot Station, Remotely-piloted Aircraft (RPA)  Repair
Means the restoration of an aircraft, aircraft engine or aircraft component to a serviceable condition and in conformity with an approved standard.
Repair Station Certificate Certificate issued by an NAA.
Equivalent Terms:    Approved Maintenance Organization, AMO

Required Communication Performance (RCP)
A statement of the performance requirements for operational communication in support of specific ATM functions. The RCP usually has a numerical appendix (e.g. RCP 240), that represents the values assigned to RCP parameters for communication transaction time, continuity, availability and integrity.
Required Navigation Performance (RNP)
A statement of the navigation performance necessary for operation of an aircraft within a defined airspace. Note: Navigation performance and requirements are defined for a particular RNP type and/or application. See Also Area Navigation, Navigation Specification
A specification that is considered an operational necessity; compliance is typically mandatory. Rescue and Fire Fighting Services (RFFS)
The rescue and fire fighting services provided at an airport that are specifically dedicated to the support of aircraft operations. Includes a special category of fire-fighting that involves the response, hazard mitigation, evacuation and possible rescue of passengers and crew of an aircraft involved in an airport (or potentially off airport) ground emergency.
Equivalent Terms:    Airport Rescue Fire Fighting (ARFF), Crash Fire Rescue (CFR)

Resource Management
The effective use of all the resources available to personnel, including each other, to achieve a safe and efficient outcome.
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