

时间:2018-05-12 08:02来源:蓝天飞行翻译公司 作者:民航翻译 点击:

Interim Corrective Action
Action that provides satisfactory resolution of non-conformity on a temporary basis until permanent corrective action in accordance with the accepted CAP can be fully implemented by an Operator; acceptable only when the Operator is being audited for renewal of an existing Registration and approval has been requested and received from IATA.
Internal Audit
An audit conducted by an organization of its own functions or activities; performed either by an employee of the organization or by a non-employee on behalf of the organization (outsourced).
See Audit.
Internal Auditor
An auditor who conducts internal audits. See Auditor.
International English
The term used by IATA to describe the English used in IATA publications; refers to the form of English that is most widespread internationally and is most commonly used on the Internet; the spelling of words largely follows U.S. English.
International Flights
Flights conducted from an airport in the territory of one state to an airport in the territory of another state.
Equivalent Term:    International Operations

An abbreviation and acronym for IATA Operational Safety Audit. IOSA Accreditation
The formal and official recognition and approval by IATA of an organization to perform a specified function or service in accordance with an applicable legal agreement and the IOSA Program Manual (IPM).

IOSA Accreditation Agreement
The agreement between IATA and the AO that specifies the provisions and conditions applicable to the accreditation of the AO.
Note: Also referred to as Accreditation Agreement. IOSA Accreditation Committee
The group of managers from appropriate areas within IATA that reviews the accreditation process and provides a formal approval (or disapproval) of a candidate for accreditation as an Audit Organization (AO) or Endorsed Training Organization (ETO).
IOSA Audit Agreement
The agreement among IATA, the AO and the Operator (referred to as the “Auditee”) that specifies the commercial arrangements and all other terms, conditions and restrictions associated with an Audit.
Note: Also referred to as the Audit Agreement.
IOSA Audit Funnel See Audit Funnel.
IOSA Audit Handbook (AH)
The published document that contains information, guidance and instructions relevant to AOs, Auditors and the audit process under IOSA.
IOSA Audit Report (IAR)
The document that is the official record of an Audit, and which contains detailed information regarding the conduct and results of the Audit.
IOSA Auditor
An individual that has satisfied IOSA qualification and competence standards, and has been formally approved to conduct an Audit in at least one operational discipline.
Note: The term IOSA Auditor is generic within the IOSA program and may refer to an Auditor, Lead Auditor or Evaluator.
IOSA Auditor Personal Data File See Auditor Personal Data File.
IOSA Auditor Training (IAT)
An element of the Auditor qualification process that is designed to familiarize an experienced aviation operational auditor with IOSA standards, methodology and documentation.
IOSA Checklist
The working document used by IOSA Auditors to document Audit conclusions and factual evidence that supports Findings and Observations.
IOSA Database
The official IATA system for the management of IOSA Audit Reports (IARs).
IOSA Operator
An Operator that is listed on the IOSA Registry.

IOSA Oversight Council (IOC)
The body within the IATA governance structure that ensures adequate oversight and influence upon the entire IOSA Program by IATA members. IOC members are approved by the IATA Senior Vice President, Safety Flight and Operations (SFO) and the IATA Operations Committee (OPC).
IOSA Preparation Visit (IPV)
An activity accomplished in advance of the on-site phase of an Audit that permits an AO to provide direct guidance to an Operator for the purpose of developing an Audit preparation plan.
IOSA Program
The total of all aspects of the system that is IOSA.
IOSA Program Manual (IPM)
A published document that contains the standards upon which the IOSA Program is based.
IOSA Recommended Practice See Recommended Practice.
IOSA Registration
The formal method used by IATA to recognize an Operator that is in conformity with IOSA Standards, and to list such Operator on the IOSA Registry for a defined registration period.
See IOSA Registration Period. IOSA Registration Period
The defined period of time, typically 24 months, between the date the IOSA registration (initial or renewal) of an IOSA Operator begins and the date such registration expires (expiry date).
See IOSA Operator, IOSA Registration. IOSA Registry
The official listing of Operators that have undergone an Audit and demonstrated conformity with IOSA Standards.
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