

时间:2018-05-12 08:02来源:蓝天飞行翻译公司 作者:民航翻译 点击:

Auditor Notes
Guidance for Auditors that may be contained in the IOSA/ISAGO Checklist.

Auditor Personal Data File
An IOSA/ISSA/ISAGO document that provides a record of the personal, background and qualifications data of an IOSA/ISSA/ISAGO Auditor.

Auditor Qualifications Record (AQR)
An administrative document prepared by an AO or Participating Airline and reviewed by IATA for the purpose of approving or tracking the qualifications of IOSA/ISSA/ISAGO Auditors.

Authorized Person
A person authorized by the operator, AMO or applicable authority to carry out specific aircraft maintenance work and, where required, to certify for conduct of such work within the terms of the approval. A person may also be authorized by the authority for a specific purpose by the issue of a Maintenance Authorization.

Authority (Regulatory)
A government agency or other administrative body that exercises regulatory or oversight control over operations or activities within a defined jurisdiction.
Note: The term Authority as used in the IOSA Standards Manual (ISM), the ISSA Standards Manual (ISSM) and the ISAGO Standards Manual (GOSM) is a specific term that means the National Aviation Authority (NAA) of the State of the Operator.
See National Aviation Authority.
Note: The term authority as used in the ISM, ISSM or GOSM when referring to a regulatory or oversight agency is a generic term that means any applicable or relevant authority.

The delegated power or right to:
•    Command or direct;
•    Make specific decisions;
•    Grant permission and/or provide approval;
•    Control or modify a process.

Automatic Deployable Flight Recorder (ADFR)
A flight recorder installed on the aircraft which is capable of automatically deploying from the aircraft. Automated Flight Monitoring System
A system that incorporates automation to ensure operational data of a flight in progress is provided to operational control personnel (typically FOOs, FOAs or Designated Management) when certain operational parameters are exceeded. Data may vary depending upon the requirements of the operator or the State, but may include items such as departure and arrival delays, route and/or altitude deviations, lost communications, destination/alternate minimum reports/forecasts, weather/winds changes, aircraft fuel status, air traffic delays or choke points, airport status or delay information, navaid facility changes, volcanic ash advisories, windshear alerts, hazardous weather advisories and security alerts. An operator may extend this system into a specific “mission” parameter for each flight incorporating risk assessments. In order to account for a potential system failure, an operator would have an effective backup system available to ensure operational safety is maintained.

Background Check
A check of a person's identity and previous experience, including, where legally permissible, any criminal history, as part of the assessment of an individual's suitability to implement a security control and/or for unescorted access to a security restricted area.
The personal property or other articles of a passenger or crew member that is transported on an aircraft.
Equivalent Term:    Luggage

Baggage Reconciliation
A security process that matches a passenger with his or her checked baggage, and ensures the passenger and baggage travel together on the same aircraft.
Balance Sheet
A sheet which records the distribution of weight in an aircraft and shows the center of gravity of an aircraft at takeoff and landing. It may be an attachment to the Loadsheet or a separate document.
See Also Loadsheet.

Base Maintenance
Any maintenance task falling outside the criteria for Line Maintenance.
Note: Aircraft maintained in accordance with a “progressive” type program need to be individually assessed in relation to this paragraph. In principle, the decision to allow some “progressive” checks to be carried out is determined by the assessment that all tasks within the particular check can be carried out safely to the required standards at the designated line maintenance station.
See Line Maintenance.
Equivalent Term:    Heavy Maintenance

Base Month
For the purposes of establishing flight crew member qualification intervals, base month refers to the month containing the anniversary date when a flight crew member's qualification was first established, or was re¬established following a period of extended absence.
The way a person responds, either overtly or covertly, to a specific set of conditions, which is capable of being measured.
Behavioral Indicator
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