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直升机飞行员手册 直升机操作手册 The Helicopter Pilot’s Handbook

时间:2011-04-05 11:37来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空 点击:

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If you want to run-on for landing, get the wind and/or nose off to the retreating blade side, so the fuselage is crabbing, and control your (shallow) descent with a combination of throttle and collective, applying more of the latter as the throttle is closed just before touchdown so you run on straight. Note that some helicopters (such as twins, or the AStar) won’t let you use the throttle as precisely as that. Not only that, you may well be so busy that worrying about minor details like the wind’s exact quarter will be the last thing on your mind. For a running landing, on most machines, about 30% torque at 30 kts will put you in a good position for landing at 30 ft, and a little power at the last minute will put your nose nicely straight. For the non-power pedal, keeping straight involves either more speed or less power, and you have to accept more of a run-on.
In an AStar (or TwinStar), the recommendation in the book is to come in with some left sideslip (i.e. crabbing right). Slow down until the nose starts to move to the left, and you have your landing speed.

Loss of Tail Rotor Effectiveness
This is sometimes known as tail rotor breakaway, or a stall, which is not strictly correct, as thrust is still being produced – it’s just not enough for the task in hand. It shows up as a sudden, uncommanded right yaw (with North American rotation), and has amongst its causes high density altitudes, high power settings, low airspeeds (below about 30 kts) and altitudes, and vortex ring, not forgetting turns in the opposite direction of blade rotation. Your helicopter will be more susceptible to it if the tail rotor is masked by a tail surface, like a vertical fin, and it can be especially triggered by tail and side winds (this is actually a significant reason for maintaining main rotor RPM – as the tail rotor runs at a fixed speed in relation to it, lower NR will reduce tail rotor effectiveness in proportion). Recovery in this case comes from a combination of full power pedal, forward cyclic and reduction in collective, or autorotation. Prevention lies in keeping into wind and always using the power pedal (left in a 206 or one with similar blade rotation). If you use the other one, not only will the fuel governor ensure that the aircraft will settle after a short time (using the power pedal by itself makes it climb), but a large bootful of the power pedal in a fast turn the other way will create a large torque spike.


Jammed Controls
Aside from jammed tail rotor pedals, discussed above, your cyclic or collective may jam as well. Both cases will result in a run-on landing. To get out of a jammed collective, just bring the speed right back. This will cause you to descend, and you can use your speed to aim at the ground. Hopefully, your cyclic will jam in the centre. Anyway, leaning in the desired direction (passengers as well) will cause enough of a shift in C of G to turn the ship in the desired direction.

Hydraulic Boost Failure

直升机翻译 www.aviation.cn
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