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时间:2011-08-11 18:26来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空 点击:

27) 更换左侧空调组件管道压力传感器  Replace L/H A/C pack duct pressure transmitter
28) 拆下并安装左空调空气混合活门  Remove and install L/H air mix valve
29) 操作测试增压控制系统进行  Do a operational test of pressurization control system
30) 目视检查右组件聚水袋  Visually check/inspect right pack water coalesce bag

ATA22 自动驾驶
自动驾驶            autopilot
巡航                cruise
俯仰                pitch
横滚                roll
上仰/下俯            pitch up / down
传感器              transducer
偏航阻尼器          yaw damper
马赫配平作动器      mach trim actuator
自动油门            auto-throttle
自动断开            disengages automatically
速度限制             SPD LIM
失速管理            stall management
伺服马达            servo motor
驱动组件            drive unit
高配平              high trim
速度配平            speed trim
起飞/复飞电门        takeoff/go around switch
当任一A/P 接通CMD 方式时飞机横滚不柔和。Airplane roll is not smooth (jerky) with any A/P engaged in CMD
任一A/P 接通CMD 方式时,坡度角小于正常坡度角。 Goes less than the normal bank angle with any A/P engaged in CMD
自动驾驶仪接通时操纵杆(盘)移动。 Control columns(wheels) move when the autopilot engages
当将CMD 电门按压关断时,不能断开。 Does not disengage when CMD switch is pushed to off
航向选择方式或VOR 方式时坡度角大于调定的坡度角限制。Goes more than the set bank angle limit in HDG SEL or VOR
俯仰或横滚方式接不通或自动脱开,自动驾驶仪进入CWS 方式。Pitch or roll mode does not engage or disengages automatically, autopilot went to CWS mode
行程不在限制范围内,杆力正常。Travel is not within limits, column force is normal
偏航阻尼器自动断开。Yaw damper disengaged automatically
在MCP 速度(高度层改变)俯仰方式调定时,飞机不保持调定的空速。Airplane does not keep the set airspeed with MCP SPD (LVL CHG) pitch mode set
按压断开电门时,不能断开。Does not disengage when disengage switch is pushed
俯仰振动(纵向跳跃)    Pitch oscillation (porpoising)
1) 在自动驾驶多通道进近期间。Found during autopilot multi-channel approach
2) 在任何自动驾驶接通CMD 时。Found with any autopilot engaged in CMD
自动驾驶仪    Autopilot
1) 处于双通道方式时A 和 B 自动脱开。A and B disengage automatically while in dual mode
2) A/P 琥珀色警告信号牌灯闪亮,自动驾驶仪进入 CWS 方式。A/P amber warning annunciator light on flashing, autopilot went to CWS mode
3) A/P 红色警告信号牌灯恒亮。A/P red warning annunciator light on steady
偏航阻尼    YAW DAMPER
1) 飞机准备时YAW DAMPER电门接不通. The YAW DAMPER switch could not be set on when preparing for taking off. 
ATA23 通信
通信                communication
天线                antenna

航空翻译 www.aviation.cn