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时间:2011-08-11 18:26来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空 点击:

低压电门            low pressure switch
流量控制活门        flow control valve
压力控制活门        pressure control valve
液压过热警告电门    hydraulic overheat warning switch
刹车压力指示        brake press indicator
液压油    Hydraulic fluid
1) 从液压油箱通气管道流出。Comes out of the reservoir vent line
2) 从液压油箱通气管道排放口流出。Comes out of the reservoir vent line drain mast 
3) 液压油渗漏。Fluid leakage
4) 从 A 系统传输到 B 系统。Transfers from system A to system B
5) 航后检查A系统回油滤组件内丢失一弹簧。 Do AF check and find one spring of A system return filter ASSY lost.
6) 航后检查发现右发吊架上部有一根液压系统回油管接头漏油,检查为管接头破裂.. A fitting of the hydraulic system’s return line in the R/H is found leaking in AF check. The fitting has a crack after inspection.
7) 勤务液压油箱  Serve hydraulic reservoirs
8) 液压储压器的勤务 Serve hydraulic accumulator
9) 航后检查发现B系统液压管路t型接头漏油.The T-type union of the hydraulic system B leaked oil during AF check.
10)  更换液压地面加油滤 Replace hydraulic ground service filter
11)  封严更换 Replace the seal
12)  更换正释压活门滤滤芯 Replace SAF checkout relief valve filter elements
13)  更换A系统液压系统回油滤 Replace system a hydraulic return filter
液压油量指示    Hydraulic fluid quantity indication
1) 在“大使用量”系统操作后不恢复原有量。 Does not return to the same level after operation of a "heavy use" system
2) 错误或空白。Error or blank
3) 驾驶舱显示和液压油箱表读数不同。Flight compartment display and hydraulic reservoir gauge do not read the same
4) 驾驶舱显示变化不稳定或在读数间跳跃。Flight compartment display moves erratically or jumps between readings 
5) 液压油箱有液压油时驾驶舱显示器指示为零。Flight compartment display shows zero, but reservoir has hydraulic fluid
6) 显示加注液压油(6%)。Shows RF (6%)
7) 瞬时低于/高于……。Momentarily below/above……
发动机驱动泵/电马达驱动泵    EDP/EMDP
1) 航前发现左发EDP处有漏滑油迹象。  There is oil leakage around left engine EDP PF inspection.
2) 航后检查发现右发EDP本体漏油.The EDP of the R/H engine leaks oil in AF check.
3) 拆除并安装A系统EMDP Remove and install system A EMDP
4) 更换液压PTU滤子 Replace hydraulic PTU filter
5) 更换左发EDP Replace the L/H engine EDP
6) 更换正释压活门滤子 Replace the positive pressure relief valve filers
7) 更换发动机驱动泵管路滤芯 Replace the EDP line filter element

ATA30 防冰/防雨
防冰和雨            anti-ice & rain
雨刷                wiper
加热面板            heat panel
总温传感器          total temperature sensor
翼身过热灯          wing-body overheat light
整流罩防冰灯        cowl anti-ice light
窗户加热电源        window heat power
过热/火警测试       OVHT/FIRE test
告警铃              alarm
警告灯              warning lights
热电门              thermal switch

航空翻译 www.aviation.cn