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时间:2011-08-11 18:26来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空 点击:

防滞传感器       antiskid transducer
刹车踏板电门     brake pedal switch
刹车调节活门     brake metering valve
前轮转弯电门     nose wheel steering switch
人工放出限制电门 manual extension limit switch
漏气             air leakage
漏油             Leakage
放轮             gear extension
收轮             gear retraction
收放测试         test for R/E(retract/ extend的缩写形式)
刹车             brake
转弯             steering
防滞             anti-skid
停留刹车         parking brake
自动刹车         autobrake
人工释放         manual extension
起落架锁定       gear locked
起落架被卡阻     gear jammed
硬着陆/大阻力/超重着陆/侧向载荷着陆 hard landing/high drag/overweight/side load landing
轮胎             tyre
爆胎             burst
瘪胎             deflated tyre
见线             exposed threads
磨损             wear 或 worn out
裂纹             cracks
超限             out of limits
在范围内         within limits
轮胎被扎破       puncture
机轮  wheel
1) 在轮舱内造成很大的噪音。Made a loud noise in the wheel well 
2) 滑行期间支柱到底。Strut bottomed during taxiing. 
3) 落地时/起飞时/起落架收上时/滑行期间振动。Vibrates at landing/ at takeoff /at gear retraction / during taxi
4) AF 检查发现左前轮扎伤超标 Do AF Check and find L nose tire wearing is out of limitations.
5) 左内刹车毂磨损到标。The L inner board brake unit wearing is out of limitations.
6) 航后检查发现左前轮磨损见线Do AF Check and find L nose tire wearing is out of limitations.
7) 航后检查发现左内主轮一沟槽处橡胶开裂到限. Do AF check and find the rubber in a groove of left main inner board wheel ASSY is split to the extreme.
8) 右外主轮隔热垫片掉出与刹车毂干涉.The heat insulation spacer of the R/H outboard main wheel got out and interrupted with the brake.
9) 更换左内侧主轮 Replace L/H outboard main landing gear wheel
10) 勤务起落架轮胎 Serve landing gear tire
11) 更换左外起落架轮子 Replace L/H outboard main wheel
12) 右前轮无法正常充气.The R/H of the forward tire can not be charged normally.
刹车  Brakes
1) 抱、拖或锁死。Grab, drag, or lock
2) 停止过程中过热。Overheated during stop
3) 向左/右偏。Pulled to the left/right
4) Replace brake hydraulic fuses更换刹车液压保险
5) 自动刹车    Auto brake
6) 减速率不正确。deceleration rate was not correct
7) 解除预位灯亮。AUTO BRAKE DISARM light were on
8) 润滑速度刹车前鼓轮机构 Lubricate speed brake forward drum mechanism
起落架   Landing gear
1) 起落架手柄在中立(OFF)位时,所有起落架伸出、前起落架、右起落架及左起落架绿灯亮。All gear extended with landing gear lever at OFF, NOSE GEAR, RIGHT GEAR, and LEFT GEAR green lights were on
航空翻译 www.aviation.cn