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时间:2011-08-11 18:26来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空 点击:

1) 无音频音调或过弱。Audio tone didn’t occur or was weak
2) CDU 导航状态显示页上的数据显示失效。Data on NAV STATUS display of CDU showed FAIL 
3) 频率显示虚线。Frequency showed dashes
4) 当按压导航控制面板上的测试电门时,出现测试问题。Found problems when pushed the TEST switch on  the navigation control panel
指点标    Marker beacon
1) 过台时,无音频音调或过弱,指示正常。Audio tone did not occur or was weak when passing marker, indications were  normal
2) 在导航控制面板上按压测试电门时 FT 不显示 。FT did not display when you pushed the TEST switch on the navigation control panel
3) 过台时,显示器上指示无显示,无音频音调或过弱。Indication didn’t display  when  passing marker, audio tone did not occur or was weak
4) 过台时,显示器上指示无显示,音频音调正常。Indication did not display when  passing marker, audio tone was normal
气象雷达弱信息    WXR WEAK message
气象雷达姿态信息    WXR ATT message
气象雷达失效信息 WXR FAIL message
气象雷达显示信息  WXR DSPY message
气象雷达稳定信息 WXR STAB message
气象雷达范围不一致信息 WXR RANGE DISAGREE message
气象雷达    Weather radar
1) 显示空白。Display blank
2) 倾角控制问题。Tilt control problem
3) 增益控制问题。Gain control problem
4) 方式选择器问题。Mode selector problem
5) CDS 上回波信号弱或颜色不正确。Returns weak or incorrect colors on CDS
6) 系统显示器测试期间无音响警告(预报风切变)。No aural warnings during system display test (predictive windshear)
7) 系统显示测试期间显示+1 /-1倾斜(预报风切变)。+1 /-1tilt angle displayed with system display test (predictive windshear)
8) 系统显示器测试期间风切变不显示(预报风切变) 。WINDSHEAR didn’t display during system display test (predictive windshear)
VOR    甚高频全向(无线电)信标
1) 无音频音调或过弱。Audio tone didn’t occur or was weak
2) VOR 频率显示虚线。VOR frequency showed dashes.
3) 显示器上显示 1 号 VOR 故障旗。VOR1 flag showed on the display.
4) 1号方位指针不显示,1 号 VOR 故障旗不显示      Bearing pointer 1 did not display, VOR1 flag did not display.
5) CDU 导航状况显示上数据显示失效。Data on NAV STATUS display of CDU showed FAIL.
6) 导航显示上偏差杆不显示。Deviation bar did not show on the navigation display
7) 导航显示器上,TO/FROM 指示不显示。 TO/FROM indication did not display on the navigation display
8) 无线电磁指示器上显示VOR 故障旗。VOR flag showed on the radio magnatic indicator.
交通避让和防撞系统  TCAS
1) 声音信号(语音)问题。Voice annunciation (aural) problem
2) 在导航显示上,冲突飞机符号直接停留在飞机符号前。Intruder symbol stayed directly in the front of the airplane symbol on the navigation display
3) 在导航显示上,不显示冲突飞机符号。Intruder symbols did not show on the navigation display
4) 飞机在地面时,显示冲突飞机符号。Intruder symbols show ed when the airplane was on the ground
5) 控制面板选择器电门在TA位时,导航显示上显示TCAS 关断。Navigation display showed TCAS OFF with the control panel selector switch at TA
6) 按压测试电门时,系统不进行测试。System test did not start when the TEST switch was pushed
7) ATC 应答机选择器在TA/RA 时显示且选择器在 TA 时不显示。TCAS FAIL flag showed on navigation display with ATC transponder selector at TA/RA and did not display with ATC transponder  selector at TA
方式调定    Mode set
1) 飞机不保持调定的航向。Airplane did not keep the set heading
2) 在进行多通道进近时,飞机出现俯仰波动(前后波动)。Airplane had pitch oscillation (porpoises) during multi-channel approaching
3) 飞机不随V/S,LVL CHG(高度层改变)或 VNAV(垂直导航)俯仰方式调定而调定高度。Airplane did not go to set altitude with V/S,LVL CHG, or VNAV pitch mode selected.
航空翻译 www.aviation.cn