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时间:2011-08-11 18:26来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空 点击:

下滑道            glide slope
下滑道数据     GS data
下滑道指针        glideslope(G/S) pointers
航向道            localizer
航向道指针        localizer pointers
指点信标          marker beacon
维护代码          maintenance code
隔离活门          Isolation valve
中点移动          neutral shift
近地           ground proximity
近地警告          ground proximity warning (GND PROX WARN)
近地警告系统自检  GPWS  BITE
近地警告系统不工作灯  GPWS INOP light
姿态指示仪        attitude indicator
惯导显示组件      ISDU
多方式接收机      Multi-mode receiver
测距仪询问机      DME interrogator
马赫空速警告      Mach airspeed warning
机舱高度警告系统  Cabin altitude warning system
无线电导航        radio navigation
无线电高度表      Radio altimeter
无线电磁指示器    Radio magnetic indicator
无线电高度接收机  radio altitude receiver
无线电高度发射天线radio altitude transmitter antenna
FMC 软件载入   FMC software load
检查介质信息 CHECK MEDIA message
数据库无效信息   DATA BASE INVALID message FMC
复位计数超限信息RESET COUNT EXCEEDED message
导航数据过期信息NAV DATA OUT OF DATE message
数据库和OFP 不匹配信息DB-OFP INCOMPATIBLE message
数据库超过FMC 存储容量信息DB EXCEEDS FMC MEMORY message
检查数据库载入器或界面信息CHECK DBL OR INTERFACE message
数据库超出飞行管理计算机存储范围信息DB EXCEEDS FMC MEMORY message
垂直速度数据   Vertical speed data
垂直速度指针 Vertical speed pointer
地形失效信息  TERR FAIL message
地形位置信息   TERR POS message
近地地形显示  Terrain display for ground proximity
地图/地形/气象雷达范围不一致信息MAP/TERR/WXR RANGE DISAGREE message
接通 CMD A方式    CMD A engaged
在所有位置接收和发射问题 Reception and transmission problem at all stations
CDU 位置基准页 POS REF display of CDU
CDU位置基准显示页上的 GPS-L/R 数据丢失。GPS-L/R data on POS REF display of CDU is missing
飞机在空中时显示地面方式。Ground mode shows with airplane in the air
当任一 A/P 接通 CMD 时,飞机出现俯仰波动(前后波动)。Airplane has pitch oscillation (porpoises) with any A/P engaged in CMD
机舱高度指示波动。CABIN ALT indication fluctuates
机舱爬升指示器不工作,指针不动。CABIN CLIMB indicator does not operate, pointer does not move
当空速管静压加温电门在 OFF 位时,探头加温器指示器灯不亮。Probe heater indicator lights do not come on when PITOT STATIC HEAT switches are OFF
空中TCAS 时好时坏 TCAS does not work intermittently in flight.
右GPS故障.  The R/H GPS has faults.
过站机组反映右CDU故障. The R/H CDU has fault by the reporting of the crew in TR.
航前检查发现B2158机身左侧静后孔附近有几处雷击点.Some thunder striking points near L/H static pressure port of aircraft B2158 have been found during PF check.
进近    Approach
1) 进近时飞机不能正确对准跑道。Airplane didn’t align with runway correctly when approaching
多通道进近时飞机不能正确拉平,在飞行方式信号牌上正常显示。Airplane did not flare correctly during multi-channel approaching, FLARE displayed normally on the flight mode annunciator
航空翻译 www.aviation.cn