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时间:2011-08-11 18:26来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空 点击:

2) 对于所有起动手柄位置,XX灯保持灭/明亮。XX light stayed off / on bright at any position of thrust lever.
3) 当起动手柄移至切断位时,XX灯保持灭或明亮。XX light stayd off or bright when start lever moved to CUTOFF.
ATA78 排气
排气                 exhaust
反推                 thrust reverser
同步锁               SYNC lock
顺序电门             sequence relay
控制电门             control switch
发动机附件组件       engine accessory unit
反推     Reverse thrust
1) 左发反推不可用。 L/H thrust reverse does not operate.
2) 航后检查左发动机左反推上部隔热衬垫损坏.The heat insulation liner installed on the top of the reverser of the L/H engine has been found damaged during AF check.
3) 更换左发外侧反推底下作动筒  Replace lower actuator of the L/H engine outboard T/R
4) 更换左发外侧反推底部折流门  Replace L/H ENG outboard T/R bottom block door
5) 正常操作测试反推系统  Do a normal operation test of T/R system
6) 做反推自动收回测试  Do T/R auto-restow test
7) 反推流量液压保险的拆装  Remove and install T/R volumetric hydraulic fuses
8) 左发外侧反推底部格栅的拆装  Remove and install L/H engine outboard T/R bottom cascade
9) 拆下并安装右发内侧底部隔珊  Remove and install R/H engine inboard T/R bottom cascade
10) 拆下并安装右侧反推外侧滑套  Remove and install R/H T/R outboard translating sleeve
11) 更换左发外侧反推底部折挡门  Replace L/H ENG outboard T/R bottom block door
12) 过站拆除并安装右反推外侧反推滑套  TR:remove and install the translating sleeve of R/H outboard T/R
13) 拆除并安装左发外侧同步锁  Remove and install L/H engine outboard sync lock
14) 拆除并安装主滑套组件  Remove and install primary sleeve assembly
15) 排除当反推正常收回而反推故障灯(滑套不一致)保持亮着的故障  Solve the troubleshooting of reverser fault that the light (sleeve disagree) stays on when reverser is retracted and reverser operates normally
反推手柄    Reverse thrust lever
1) 反推手柄不能移动/反推对反推手柄移动无反应。Reverse thrust lever can not be moved/ Reverses didn’t  respond to reverse thrust lever movement.
2) 反推手柄卡在反推位(不移动)。Reverse thrust lever was jammed in reverse position.
反推放出    Thrust reverser deploy
1) REV(反推)信息不显示,反推没有放出,且反推手柄没有移至全反推位。REV message did not display, thrust reverser did not deploy, and reverse thrust lever can not be moved to full reverse thrust position.
2) REV(反推)信息显示琥珀色在反推手柄没有移至全反推位。REV message changed amber when reverse thrust lever did not move to full reverse thrust position.
1) 放出反推的时间太慢(超过 3秒)。 Time for extending thrust reverser was too long (more than 3 seconds)
反推收上    Thrust reverser stow
2) 反推信息显示琥珀色或绿色/发动机控制灯灭/亮/反推灯亮/灭。REV message changed amber or green/ ENG CONTROL light was off/on/ REVERSER light was on/off
3) 反推收上期间,反推灯不能瞬时亮,反推操作正常。REVERSER light was not on momentarily during stowing, thrust reverser operated normally
4) 反推收上时间过慢(超过 5 秒)。Time for retracting  thrust reverser was too long (more than 5seconds)

ATA79 发动机滑油
发动机滑油           engine oil
滑油箱               oil tank

航空翻译 www.aviation.cn