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航行情报手册 Aeronautical Information Manual (AIM) 3

时间:2011-04-18 00:52来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空 点击:

(See REMOTE AIRPORT ADVISORY.)RADAR. A device which, by measuring the time interval between transmission and reception of radio pulses and correlating the angular orientation of the radiated antenna beam or beams in azimuth and/or elevation, provides information on range, azimuth, and/or elevation of objects in the path of the transmitted pulses.
a.Primary Radar. A radar system in which a minute portion of a radio pulse transmitted from a site is reflected by an object and then received back at that site for processing and display at an air traffic control facility.
b.Secondary Radar/Radar Beacon (ATCRBS). A radar system in which the object to be detected is fitted with cooperative equipment in the form of a radio receiver/transmitter (transponder). Radar pulses transmitted from the searching transmitter/re-ceiver (interrogator) site are received in the cooperative equipment and used to trigger a distinctive transmission from the transponder. This reply transmission, rather than a reflected signal, is then received back at the transmitter/receiver site for processing and display at an air traffic control facility.
(See INTERROGATOR.)(See TRANSPONDER.)(See ICAO term RADAR.)(Refer to AIM.)RADAR [ICAO]. A radio detection device which provides information on range, azimuth and/or elevation of objects.
a.Primary Radar. Radar system which uses reflected radio signals.
b.Secondary Radar. Radar system wherein a radio signal transmitted from a radar station initiates the transmission of a radio signal from another station.
RADAR ADVISORY. The provision of advice and information based on radar observations.
(See RADIO ALTIMETER.)RADAR APPROACH. An instrument approach procedure which utilizes Precision Approach Radar (PAR) or Airport Surveillance Radar (ASR).
PROCEDURE.)(See PRECISION APPROACH RADAR.)(See SURVEILLANCE APPROACH.)(See ICAO term RADAR APPROACH.)(Refer to AIM.)RADAR APPROACH [ICAO]. An approach, executed by an aircraft, under the direction of a radar controller.
RADAR APPROACH CONTROL FACILITY. A terminal ATC facility that uses radar and nonradar capabilities to provide approach control services to aircraft arriving, departing, or transiting airspace controlled by the facility.
(See APPROACH CONTROL SERVICE.)a. Provides radar ATC services to aircraft operating in the vicinity of one or more civil and/or military airports in a terminal area. The facility may provide services of a ground controlled approach (GCA); i.e., ASR and PAR approaches. A radar approach control facility may be operated by FAA, USAF, US Army, USN, USMC, or jointly by FAA and a military service. Specific facility nomencla-tures are used for administrative purposes only and are related to the physical location of the facility and the operating service generally as follows:
1.Army Radar Approach Control (ARAC) (Army).
2.Radar Air Traffic Control Facility (RATCF) (Navy/FAA).
3.Radar Approach Control (RAPCON) (Air Force/FAA).
4.Terminal Radar Approach Control (TRACON) (FAA).
5.Air Traffic Control Tower (ATCT) (FAA). (Only those towers delegated approach control authority.)RADAR ARRIVAL. An aircraft arriving at an airport served by a radar facility and in radar contact with the facility.
(See RADAR.)RADAR CLUTTER [ICAO]. The visual indication on a radar display of unwanted signals.
a. Used by ATC to inform an aircraft that it is identified on the radar display and radar flight following will be provided until radar identification is terminated. Radar service may also be provided within the limits of necessity and capability. When a pilot is informed of “radar contact,” he/she automatically discontinues reporting over compulso-ry reporting points.
(See RADAR CONTACT LOST.)(See RADAR FLIGHT FOLLOWING.)(See RADAR SERVICE.)(See RADAR SERVICE TERMINATED.)(Refer to AIM.)b. The term used to inform the controller that the aircraft is identified and approval is granted for the aircraft to enter the receiving controllers airspace.
(See ICAO term RADAR CONTACT.)RADAR CONTACT [ICAO]. The situation which exists when the radar blip or radar position symbol of a particular aircraft is seen and identified on a radar display.
RADAR CONTACT LOST. Used by ATC to inform a pilot that radar data used to determine the aircraft’s position is no longer being received, or is no longer reliable and radar service is no longer being provided. The loss may be attributed to several factors including the aircraft merging with weather or ground clutter, the aircraft operating below radar line of sight coverage, the aircraft entering an area of poor radar return, failure of the aircraft transponder, or failure of the ground radar equipment.
(See CLUTTER.)(See RADAR CONTACT.)RADAR ENVIRONMENT. An area in which radar service may be provided.
(See ADDITIONAL SERVICES.)(See RADAR CONTACT.)(See RADAR SERVICE.)(See TRAFFIC ADVISORIES.)RADAR FLIGHT FOLLOWING. The observation of the progress of radar identified aircraft, whose primary navigation is being provided by the pilot, wherein the controller retains and correlates the aircraft identity with the appropriate target or target symbol displayed on the radar scope.
(See RADAR CONTACT.)(See RADAR SERVICE.)(Refer to AIM.)RADAR IDENTIFICATION. The process of ascertaining that an observed radar target is the radar return from a particular aircraft.
(See RADAR CONTACT.)(See RADAR SERVICE.)(See ICAO term RADAR IDENTIFICATION.)RADAR IDENTIFICATION [ICAO]. The process of correlating a particular radar blip or radar position symbol with a specific aircraft.
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