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空气动力学词汇 Aerodynamics Vocabulary

时间:2011-03-27 20:02来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空 点击:

tip vortex   梢涡
radial components of flow  流动的径向分量
over-predict  过大预示
under-predict  过小预示 
cruise speed   巡航速度
limitation  局限(性)
thrust  推力
torque   矩
subdivision   n. 再分,细分
subdivide     v. 再分,细分
(A propeller blade can be subdivided as shown into a discrete number of sections.)
propeller blade  螺旋桨叶片
inflow factors  入流参数(因子)
complexity  复杂性 
arise 出现
roughly equal to  粗略等于
slipstream  滑流
swirling nature 旋流特性
axial and circumferential directions  轴向和周向方向
unsteady effects due to the propeller's rotation  螺旋桨旋转引起的非定常效应
momentum flow rate  动量流量
in conjunction with   和…一起[共同,会合],连同…一起
final form(s) of  最终形式
nonlinear system of equations   非线性方程组
unknown variables   未知变量
iterative solution  迭代解(法)
solution procedure  求解步骤
have converged to within a specified tolerance  收敛到一个指定的容限范围内
It should be noted that  应该注意的是
convergence enhancing technique(s)  收敛加强技术
Crank-Nicholson under-relaxation  ***欠松弛
propeller thrust and torque coefficients and efficiency 螺旋桨推力和矩系数及效率
gas turbine ideal cycle analysis   然气涡轮理想循环分析
behaviour of a gas turbine engine  燃气涡轮发动机性能
ideal Brayton cycle    理想Brayton循环
ideal intake   理想进气道
isentropic compression   等熵压缩
constant pressure combustion   等压燃烧
isentropic expansion through a turbine and nozzle  通过涡轮和喷管的等熵膨胀
entropy  n. 熵
combustion chamber pressure  燃烧室压强
burner  燃烧室
compressor 压缩机
turbine  涡轮
exhaust nozzle  排气喷管
ambient pressure  周围环境压强

bypass and core gas streams  旁路和核心流
turbo-fan engine  涡扇发动机 
flight Mach number   飞行马赫数
engine conditions/geometry  发动机条件/几何形状
compressor pressure ratio  (CPR)    压缩机压力比
fan pressure ratio   (FPR)风扇压力比
bypass ratio   (内外)涵道比,流量比
fuel-air ratio   燃料-空气比
fuel consumption   燃料消耗
medium ['mi:di.m]  n. 介质,媒体  a. 中间的,中等的
intermediate [int. 'mi:dj.t]  a. 中间的,居中的,中级的  n. 中间物,仲裁者  v. 调解,介入
(Example sentences:  Turbofans in civil aircraft are generally divided intro three classifications, based on by-pass ratio: low bypass (1:1), medium bypass (2 or 3:1), and high bypass (4:1 or greater). In a low by-pass engine, the fan and compressor section utilize approximately the same mass airflow, but the fan discharge will generally be slighter greater than that of the compressor. A medium, or intermediate, by-pass engine has an airflow by-pass ratio of between 2:1 and 3:1, and has thrust ratio that is approximately the same as its by-pass ratio.) 

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