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空气动力学词汇 Aerodynamics Vocabulary

时间:2011-03-27 20:02来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空 点击:

instrumental [instru'mentl] a. ①仪器的;机械的;器具的 ②作为手段[工具]的;有帮助的;起作用的 ◆to be instrumental 有助于… ◆be instrumental in finding a job for sb. 为某人找工作出力  ◆be instrumental to a purpose 有助于达到某一目的 ★Technical innovation is instrumental in improving the qualities of products. 技术革新有助于提高产品的质量。 ★The neighbours were instrumental in catching the criminal. 邻居们发挥了作用帮助捉拿了那个罪犯。
philosophy [fi'l.s.fi] n.–phies ①哲学,哲学体系 ②哲理 ③人生观 ④(某一学科)基本原理 ⑤(除医学、法律、神学外的)所有学科; [古]自然科学 ⑥伦理学 ⑦哲人态度,达观,冷静,镇静,泰然自若◆the philosophy of dialectical materialism 辩证唯物论哲学 ◆a man without a philosophy 
缺乏人生观的人◆use philosophy 采取哲人态度
★I cannot understand his conflicting philosophy. 我不能理解他那互相矛盾的思想体系。★The philosophy of the prisoners during their worst sufferings impressed even their captors. 俘虏们在最困苦时仍处之泰然,连捉住他们的人都深有感触。★This organization espouses the socialist philosophy. 这个组织支持社会主义哲学。★He is a Doctor of Philosophy. 他是一位哲学博士。★She delivered a talk on philosophy to the society. 她给学会作了一次有关哲学的讲话. He is Professor of Moral Philosophy at Oxford. 他是牛津大学伦理学教授.★Ethics is a branch of philosophy. 伦理学是哲学的分科. 
espouse [is'pauz] v. 支持,赞成,嫁娶
physical significance 物理意义
construe [k.n'stru:] v. 理解, 领会
coincide [k.uin'said] v. ①同时发生 ②相同,相符 ③to meet, to share the same space 相接,同往,位置重合,重叠
give rise to sth: to cause sth to happen or exist 使发生或存在
transient ['tr.nzi.nt] a. 短暂的,瞬时的 n.瞬时现象◆A transient phenomenon or property, especially a transient electric current. 瞬变现象一种瞬间变化的现象或性质,尤指瞬变的电流。◆ Her feeling of depression was transient. 她那抑郁的心情一会儿就过去了。
implementation [.implimen'tei..n] n. ①安装启用,实行,执行,履行;落实 ②供给工具
dilemma [di'lem.]  n. (进退两难的)窘境,困难
attempt [.'tempt]  v. 企图,试图,尝试
intermediate [.int.'mi:dj.t] a.中间的,中级的; 中间人的; 居间的 ◆an intermediate stage 中间阶段 ◆the intermediate examination 中间考试(英国大学入学之后毕业之前所进行的考试) ◆intermediate frequency 中频 ◆intermediate ports 中途口岸 ◆intermediate vessel 客货两用轮 ●Gray is intermediate between black and white. 
strip [ strip ] n. ①带,条,条板;带状地;狭长的一条
a strip of paper 纸条 ②条幅式侦察照片; 连环漫画 ③支板,插座条 ④捣矿机排矿沉淀槽 ⑤无茎无梗的烟叶 ⑥式样草图 ⑥【航空】(=air strip, landing strip)跑道,简易机场 ⑦【冶】带钢⑧【矿】露天开采 ⑨ [Strip ]在市区或郊区两旁有商店、加油站、餐厅、酒吧密集的街道 v.①(常与of连用)脱,剥,拆 strip of one's clothes脱去衣服 ②(常与off连用)剥去;除掉 He stripped the paper off the wall. 他把纸从墙上撕去。③(常与off连用)脱掉(衣服);裸露 John stripped off his shirt. 约翰脱掉衬衫。④弄掉齿轮的齿;损坏螺钉的螺线 We'll have to ★strip the engine down to find the fault. 我们得把发动机拆卸开来找出毛病。They ★stripped off and jumped into the pool. 他们脱掉衣服,跳进了池子。Locust had ★stripped the leaves off the trees. 蝗虫把树上的叶子都吃光了。Our football ★players have a red and white strip. 我们队的足球队员们穿着红白两色的队服。
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