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空气动力学词汇 Aerodynamics Vocabulary

时间:2011-03-27 20:02来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空 点击:

cusp [k.sp] n. a pointed end where two curves meet (两曲线相交的)尖点,会切点
Kutta condition 库塔条件
recourse [ri'k.:s] n. ①依赖[靠],求助,救助[援] ②追索(权)
Kelvin’s circulation theorem 开尔文环量定理
starting vortex  起动涡
quantitative ['kw.ntit.tiv] a. (数)量的;定量的 ◆a quantitative change 量变 ◆quantitative analysis 定量分析
touch v. ①触摸,碰 ②接触,触及 ③吃,喝,用 ④感动,触动 n. ①(sense感觉)触觉,触感 ②触摸,触,碰 ③(small detail细节) a small detail that is added to sth in order to improve it or make it complete 修饰,润色,装点: ◆I spent the morning putting the finishing touches to the report 我花了一个上午为这个报告作最后的润色 ◆Meeting them at the airport was a nice touch 到机场迎接他们是一个妙着。
tie  v. 系,拴,捆,绑,束 ▲tie up/tie sth up: ①to attach a boat to a fixed object with a rope (使船只)系泊,停靠 ②to close sth with a knot, to be closed or fastened with knot 系紧,捆牢,拴住 ▲tie sb up ①把某人捆起来 ②(usually passive) to keep sb busy so thst they have no time for other things 把…缠住,使不能分身 ◆I’m tied up in a meeting until 3. 我开会直到3点钟才能脱身 ▲tie up any loose end(s) = finish remaining small jobs 把未了结的零星工作处理完 
somehow  adv. ①以某种方式(或方法) ②由于某种(未知的)原因,不知为什么,不知怎么地,莫名其妙地
contiguous [k.n'tigju.s] a. 连接的,邻近的;接近的;接触的(to);接壤的 ◆a contiguous angle 【数】邻角,接角 ★Viet Nam is contiguous to China.  越南与中国相邻。
barotropy  n. 正压(性),质量的正压分布
barotropic  a. 正压的 ◆barotropic fluid 正压流体
crux [kr.ks] n. the most important or difficult part of a problem or an issue (难题或问题的)关键,最难点,症结
reorient ['ri:'.:rient] v. ①重定...的方向(或方位),再改方向, 再定方位; ②(使)再适应(环境),再教育
radian ['reidj.n] n.【数】弧度
coincident [k.u'insid.nt] a. 相合的,同时发生的,位置重合的 ▲be coincident with 与…重合
essence ['esns] n. ①【哲】本质,本体 ②真髓,精髓,要素,精华
rigorous ['rig.r.s] a. ①谨慎的,细致的 ②严格的,严肃的,严厉的 ③严峻的;严酷的,苛刻的 ④严密的;精确的 rigorous scholarship 严谨的治学态度
indeterminate [indi't.:minit]  a.不(确,固)定的,未决定的 n.【数】(需用罗必塔法则求极限的)未定式,待定型 {同义词:indeterminant}  ▲indeterminate form 不定型
determinant [di't.:min.nt] n. 行列式
appendix [.'pendiks] n. 附录
elaborate Ⅰ [i'l.b.rit] a. ①very complicated and detailed; carefully prepared and organized 复杂的,详尽的,精心制作的 ②费事的,煞费苦心的 Ⅱ [i'l.b.reit] v. ①详尽阐述,详细描述 ②详细制定(计划),精心制作
subject ['s.bd.ikt] n. ①题目,题材 ②学科,科目,课程 ③国民,臣民 a. ①(to sth)易遭受…的影响的 ②subject to sth 取决于,视…而定 ③subject to sth/ sb 受…支配,服从于…  ④受异族统治的,臣服的  v.[s.b'd.ekt] subject sth (to sth ) 使臣服,使服从,(尤指)压服
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