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空气动力学词汇 Aerodynamics Vocabulary

时间:2011-03-27 20:02来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空 点击:

deformable control volumes 可变形控制体 
control volumes with non-inertial acceleration 带非惯性加速度的控制体 
energy equation  能量方程
internal energy   内能
potential energy  势能
kinetic energy   动能
nuclear energy  核能
electromagnetic energy 电磁能
enthalpy 焓
total enthalpy 总焓
stagnation pressure  滞止压强, 驻点压强, 总压

Venturi tube 文丘利管
converging-diverging nozzle 收敛-扩张喷管
mass flow rate   质量流率(流量)
sharp-edged orifice  尖锐边缘的孔
uniformity    均匀性
come into play 起作用
negotiate  v. ①商议, 谈判, 协商, 交涉(with) ②处理 ③使(证券等)流通, 转让 ④克服(困难), 通过,越过(障碍)   .negotiate a bend [corner] 拐弯 
(Example sentence: But as the flow negotiates the body viscosity comes into play.) //boundary layer develops 附面层发展起来)
move downstream 向下游运动
centerline 中心线 
wake region 尾迹区
signatures  签字,签名;鲜明特征 
imbalance  不均衡,失调
prescribe a control volume  指定一个控制体
jet impingement on a surface   射流(喷流) 对表面的碰撞
Froude's Propeller Theory 复劳德螺旋桨理论
propeller 推进器, 螺旋桨
generic[.i'nerik]  a.① (同,定)属的, 类(属性)的  ② 一般的, 通用的, 普通的
rotating blade 旋转的叶片
mount  v. 安装
shaft  軸
energize (energise)  vt. ①激发[励,磁] ②增能, 供能, 给予能量 ③通以电流, 使…通电[带电]
(Example sentences: Propellers are a mechanism for the propulsion of an aeroplane. In its generic form a propeller is pair of rotating blades mounted on a shaft that houses the engine as well. As the engine operates the propeller turns sucking a large amount of air. As this air passes through the rotating blades, it gets energised, its speed increases. In the process the required thrust to propel the aircraft is produced. )
impart  vt. ①给予, 分给 ②传给, 传递
a thin disc rotating in air 在空气中旋转的薄盘 
{.The disc imparts momentum and energy to the incoming air.}
eliminate  v. 消去
pressure tap  测压孔 (pressure orifice)
(Example Sentences: Static pressure is conveniently measured by drilling a hole in the wall or the pipe, called the pressure tap. A manometer or a pressure gauge is connected to the tap.) 
static pressure probe  静压探头[针]
stagnation pressure  滞止压强 
simultaneously  同时地
Pitot-static tube  皮托静压管
pitot tube  皮托管
staic holes  静压测孔
stagnation hole  总压测孔
6.2 Differential Analysis of Fluid Motion  流体运动微分分析
sharply different 明显不同的

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