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空气动力学词汇 Aerodynamics Vocabulary

时间:2011-03-27 20:02来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空 点击:

Internal Low By-Pass Gas Turbine (supersonic) 内部低旁路(比)的燃气涡轮(超音)
Propeller Thrust 螺旋桨推力
engine manufacturer 发动机制造厂家
Propeller efficiency 螺旋桨效率 
graph 图 
propeller performance 螺旋桨性能
decline   v. n. ①下降, 下落, 偏斜 ②衰弱[落], 减产, 退步 ③拒[谢]绝  
take off performance 起飞性能
measure 度量, 测量 
acceleration of the aircraft along the runway 飞行器沿跑道加速
force equilibrium 力平衡
skid [skid]  n. v. ①滑动[溜],打滑(空转),(测向)滑动,(刹着车)滑行  ②滑道[轨],滑[起落]撬,滑板
rolling resistance friction due to the contact of wheels or skids on the ground  因起落架轮子或起落撬(滑板)与地面接触而起的滚动摩擦阻力
the procedure for take-off  起飞的步骤
(Example sentence: The vehicle will accelerate until it reaches a safe initial flying speed.)
to produce climb lift  产生爬升升力
ascend from the ground  从地面上升
determination  确定
critical factor  关键因素, 关键因子
stall speed  失速速度
maximum achievable lift coefficient CL(max)  最大可获得的升力系数
to maintain level flight  保持水平飞行
stall characteristics  失速特性
tailplane and elevator  水平尾翼和升降舱
conventional aircraft  常规飞行器

abort   流产;飞行中断
V1: abort decision speed   起飞中断决定速度
(Example sentence: Below this speed the take-off can be safely aborted. After this speed there will not be sufficient runway length to allow the aircraft to decelerate to a stop.)
pivot ['piv.t]  n. ①枢(轴), 支点 ②旋转[摆动]中心 ③中枢, 要点 v. (以枢为中心而)旋转,在枢轴上转动
rotation  n. 旋转;旋度
rotation speed (Vr ):起飞时开始抬前轮时的飞行(滑跑)速度 
(Example sentences: rotation speed, at which to raise the nose for take-off.// The aircraft is permitted to accelerate to rotation speed and then rotated off the ground gently. The term rotation is used, because the aircraft pivots or rotates about its centre of gravity (c.g.) when the flight controls are used to change the aircraft attitude. Usually the rotation is approximately 10 to 15 degrees nose up compared to the position of the nose while on the ground.)
V2 – safe climb speed  安全爬升速度
(Example sentence: Below this speed aircraft cannot attain sufficient climb rate.)
engine failure  发动机故障 
multi-engined aircraft 多发动机飞行器
achievable  可实现的
gas turbine  燃气涡轮
turbofan engine  涡扇发动机
thrust  推力
propeller driven aircraft   螺旋桨驱动的飞行器
shaft horsepower  轴马力(功率)
estimate  估计, 估算
drag  阻力
rolling resistance  滚动阻力

航空翻译 www.aviation.cn
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