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空气动力学词汇 Aerodynamics Vocabulary

时间:2011-03-27 20:02来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空 点击:

immediate [i'mi:di.t]  a. ①立即的,立刻的【同义】instant: ▲an immediate reaction/response 即时的地反应/回应 ▲to take immediate action 立刻采取行动  ②(usually before noun) existing now and needing urgent attention 当前的,迫切的
fund [f.nd]  a. ①an amount of money that has been saved or has been made available for a particular purpose 基全 ②(pl.)money that is available to spent 资金,现款  
secure [si'kju.] a. ①happy/confident 满足,自信 ②certain/safe 可靠,保险 ③~ (against/from sth) that cannot be affected or harmed by sth  安全的,稳妥地   v. ①get sth 获得,取得,实现  ②~ sth (to sth)  to attach or fasten sth firmly 拴牢,扣紧,关严 ③~ sth (against sth)  to protect sth so that it is safe and difficult to attack or damage 保护,卫,使安全
evolution [i:v.'lu:∫n]  n. ①【生物】进化 ②演变,发展,渐进
embody  v. 体现
economic[i:k.'n.mik] a. 经济的,经济上的,经济学的
economical [i:k.'n.mik.l]  a. ①经济的,实惠的 ②节俭的,节约的,简洁的 ③精打细算的,省钱的
dimension [di'men∫n]  n. ①(长,宽,高的)量度,尺寸,面积 ②(usually pl.) the size and extent of a situation 大小,规模,程度,范围 ③量纲 
afford [.'f.:d] vt. ①can [be able to] afford to do 有时间[能力]做,经[买,花,做,担负]得起
advent ['.dvent] n. the coming of an important event, person, invention, ect. (重要事件,人物,发明等的)出现,到来; A- 耶稣降临(节) ▲with the advent of 随着…的出现(到来)  ★Since the advent of atomic power, there have been great changes in industry. 自从原子动力问世以后,工业发生了巨大的变化。★The advent of the computer changed people's life greatly. 计算机的出现极大地改变了人们的生活。
balloon [b.'lu:n] n.气球 a.气球状的 v. ①balloon (out/up): to suddenly swell out or get bigger (突然)膨胀,涨大 ②(usually go ballooning) to travel in a hot-air balloon as a sport 乘热气球飞行
turn [t.:n] v. 旋转  n. 转动[向,弯]; 转弯处,转折点,变化,轮流[班],(依次轮流的)顺序 ◆at the turn of the century 在一个新世纪开始的时候 ◆in turn 因此,因而,轮流地,依次地
account [.'kaunt] n. ①户头,帐目 ②报告,报道;说明,记事 ③原因 ④考虑;顾及 ⑤利益, 重要性 vi., vt. ①认为 I account myself well paid. 我自认为收入颇佳。②说明,总计有,认为,得分 ◆The newspaper's account of the so-called reshuffle of the financial ministry was a complete fiction. 报纸对所谓的财政部人事改组的报导完全是捏造的。◆He put his knowledge to good account. 他使知识发挥了效益。◆The accounts show we have spent more than we received. 账目表明我们支出多于收入。◆All the accounts of the firm were certified as correct. 公司所有帐目被证明为正确无误。◆When the inspection group declared that the accounts checked, the staff all cheered. 当检查组宣布帐目核对无误时,职工们都欢呼了起来。◆I have an account with Midland Bank. 我在米德兰银行开有户头。◆He has been asked to account for his conduct. 他被要求解释他的行为。◆A man is accounted innocent until he is proven guilty. 一个人未被证明有罪前,被视为是清白的。◆His illness accounts for his absence. 他因为生病,所以才缺席。◆In English law a man is accounted innocent until he is proved guilty. 根据英国法律,一个人未经证实有罪仍视为无罪。
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