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空气动力学词汇 Aerodynamics Vocabulary

时间:2011-03-27 20:02来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空 点击:

paradox ['p.r.d.ks] n. ①a person, thing or situation that has two opposite features and therefore seems strange 矛盾的人(或事物,情况),颠倒现象,疑题,谬论,怪事 ②a statement containing two opposite ideas that make it seem impossible or unlikely although it is probably true; the use of this in writing  似非而是(似乎矛盾)的说法,悖论修辞,诡辩 ③【物】佯谬 ●It's a work full of paradox and ambiguity.这部作品充满了似非而是及模棱两可之处。◆【空气动力学】d'Alembert's Paradox 达朗贝尔疑题
quantify ['kw.ntifai]  v. 定量,表示份量,称量,量化
perplex [p.'pleks]  vt. 使速惑,使费解,使困窘
clockwise  a. 顺时针的
counterclockwise  a. 逆时针的
consistency [k.n'sist.nsi] n.-cies ①始终一贯;前后一致 These accounts show no consistency. 这些报导前后不一致。②浓度;稠度;坚度 (亦作consistence) To make this cake you must first mix butter and sugar to the consistency of thick cream. 制作这种蛋糕,先要把黄油和白糖搅成浓奶油的稠度。
consistent [k.n'sist.nt] a. ①一贯的,始终如一的 ②和...一致的(with)  ③坚实的,浓厚的 ④相容的,相符[合]的 ◆be a consistent friend to sb. 是某人的忠实朋友 ●He is not consistent in his action. 他的行动前后不一致。●What you say is not consistent with what you do. 你言行不一。
front  n. ①前部,正面 ②前面 a.前面的,前部的,在前的,正面的
rear [ri.] n. ①the back part of sth 后部 ②the part of body you sit on 屁股,臀部 adj. at or near the back of sth 后面的,后部的 v. ①抚养,养育 ②饲养
correspond [k.ris'p.nd]  v. ①通信(with) ②相当于,等于,相关(to)  ③【数】对应;与...一致;符合(to,with) ◆correspond with sb. 与某人通信 ★The American Congress corresponds to the British Parliament. 美国国会相当于英国议会。★His expenses do not correspond to his income. 他入不付出。★Her job corresponds with her interests. 她的工作符合她的志趣。★His actions do not correspond with his words. 他言行不一。
corresponding [.k.ris'p.ndi.] a. ①相当的,对应的,适合的,一致的 ②通信的 ③对比的,同位的◆corresponding period of last year 去年同(一时)期 ◆corresponding secretary 掌管通信的秘书
◆corresponding member [英]通信会员;[美](无表决权的)准会员 ◆corresponding angles 同位角◆corresponding states 【物】对应态 ●All rights carry with them corresponding responsibilities. 所有的权利都带有相应的义务。
consult [k.n's.lt]  v. ① ~ sb(about sth): to go to sb for information or advice 咨询,请教  ② ~ (with) sb (about/on sb): to discuss sth with sb to get their permission for sth, or to help you make a decision (与某人)商议,商量(以得到许可或帮助决策) ③to look in or at sth to get information 查阅,查询,参看(=refer to) ◆He consulted the manual. 他查阅了使用说明书。
consultant  n. 顾问
consultative [k.n'z.lt.tiv]  a. 咨询的,顾问的(=advisory) 
concentric [k.n'sentrik]  a. 同心的 ▲~ circle 同心圆
vortex ['v.teks]  n. 涡
radial  a. 径向的
tangential  a. 切向的
concentric [k.n'sentrik] a.同心[轴]的(with); 集中的,会聚的 ◆concentric circles 【数】同心圆
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