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空气动力学词汇 Aerodynamics Vocabulary

时间:2011-03-27 20:02来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空 点击:

consequently  ad. 因此,从而,所以,必然
downwash 下洗
mechanism [.mek.niz.m]  n. ①a set of moving parts in a machine that performs a task 机械装置,机件 ②a method or a system for achieving sth 方法,机制: mechanisms for dealing with complaints from the general public 处理大众不满意见的机构 ③a system of parts in a living thing that together perform a particular function (生物体内的)机制,构造
physical mechanism 物理机理
imbalance [im.b.l.ns] n. 不均衡,失调
by-product [.baipr.d.kt] n. 副产品;附带的结果
underneath [..nd.'ni:θ] prep. ①在[向]...的下面[底下]  ②在...的形式[乔装]下 ③隶属于, 在...的支配下 n.下面,下部,底部 adj.下面的,底部的 ad. 在下面 ◆put [write] the date underneath the address 把日期署在地址下面 ◆treachery lying underneath a mask of friendliness 口蜜腹剑; 笑里藏刀 ◆He got underneath the skin of his audience. 他抓住了听众的心。
tendency ['tend.nsi] n. ①趋势,倾向 ②癖好,脾性(to, toward) ③ (作品等的)旨趣,意向,倾向(性)
circulatory [.s.:kjul.t.:ri] a. 循环的,环流的,流通的
trail [treil]  n. ①a long line or series of marks that is left by sth as it moves and that shows where it has been (某物走过的)痕迹,踪迹 ②(林间,乡间)小经  v. to pull sth behind sb/sth, usually along the ground ; to be pulled along in this way (被)拖,拉  ◆ A jeep trailing a cloud of dust was speeding in mg direction 一辆吉普车拖着一股扬尘,朝我疾驰而来. ◆The bride’s dress trailed behind her 新娘的结婚礼服拖在身后.
trailing vortex (vortices)  (拖在机翼翼梢后面的)尾涡
wing root 翼根
wing tip 翼梢
wing-tip vortex (vortices) 翼梢涡
tornado [t.:.neid.u; AmE t.:r.neidou] (pl.–oes or –os ) n.龙卷风,旋风
hurricane [.h.rik.n] n. (尤指大西洋的)飓风(12级以上,≥37.2m/s),热带气旋[风暴]
spacing ['speisi.]  n. ①【刷】(词间、行间等)调节间隔 ②【农】植距 ③跨距 ④限位, 定距 ⑤间距 ◆single [double] spacing (打字时行与行间的)单[双]行空距
consecutive [k.n.sekjutiv] a. following one after another in a series, without interruption ①(按顺序,序列)连续不断的,接连(而来)的,连贯[串]的,陆续的 ②顺序[次]的,相邻的,依次相连的
cant [k.nt]  n.伪善言词,虚假的话,空话 v. (formal) to be or put sth in a sloping position (使)倾斜
align [.'lain] v. (使,排)成一直线, 校直[平,准], (直线)对[照]准, 调整[准,直,节], 定中心,对中
translation [tr.ns'lei..n]  n. 翻译,译文;【机】直线运动; 【物】平动, 平[位,直]移 ◆motion of translation平移(运动)
translational a. 平移的(直线的)
tilt [tilt] v. n. ①to move or make sth move into a position with one side or end higher than the other (使)倾斜 ②使倾向于,偏向
nomenclature [ n.u'menkl.t.. ] n. (专门学科中)有系统的命名法; 专门用语,术语表[集];  (编类)名称
prime [.praim] n. (用于字符右上角的)撇号
apostrophe [..p.str.fi] n. 撇号
asterisk [..st.risk] n . 星号
hyphen [.haif.n] n. 连字符
comma [.k.m.] n. 逗号
colon [.k.ul.n] n. 冒号
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