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空气动力学词汇 Aerodynamics Vocabulary

时间:2011-03-27 20:02来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空 点击:

altitude  海拔,高度
molecular mean path (mean free path) 平均分子自由程
under these conditions 在这些条件下
the effect of every molecule or groups of molecules 每一个分子或分子群的作用(效果)
re-entry vehicle 再入飞行器
rarefied gasdynamics (branch of fluid mechanics)  稀薄气体动力学(流体力学一分支)
(Example sentence: More viscous a fluid more difficult for it to flow. //Oils flow at a slower rate than water.)
retard  vt. 使减速,使停滞,延迟
rigorous definition of viscosity  粘性的更严格的定义
undergo a continuous deformation  经历一个连续的变形
as a result  作为…的结果
adjacent to  与…邻接
no-slip condition   无滑移条件
accordingly  相应地
(Example sentence: Velocity gradient develops in the fluid. 流体中形成速度梯度)
linear profile 线性曲线[剖面图]
dynamic viscosity or absolute viscosity  动力粘性或绝对粘性
Newtonian fluid   牛顿流体
category  n. 范畴
non-Newtonian  非牛顿(流体)的
plastics   塑料(胶),合成树脂
sludge [sl∧.]  n. 泥浆
rheology 流变学
ignore  v. 忽略
cohesive [k.u 'hi:siv]  a. 有凝聚力的,有结合力的,有附着力的,[物理]内聚性的,凝聚性的
cohesive and intermolecular forces  内聚力和分子间力
weaken  vt. 使弱
exchange of momentum  动量交换
molecular activity  分子的活动性
give rise to =cause 
kinematic viscosity运动粘性(系数)
formula (pl.  formulas, formulae)公式
Sutherland equation  苏惹兰公式
power law   指数律 
equation of state  状态方程 
reciprocal of density  密度的倒数
specific volume    比容
(Example sentence: specific volume of a fluid is defined as the volume per unit mass and its numerical value is given by the reciprocal of density.)
specific weight (defined as the weight per unit volume) 比重 
acceleration due to gravity  重力加速度 
specific gravity (SG){defined as the ratio of its density to that of water under reference conditions, usually at 4°C (i.e., 1000kg/cubic meter)} 相对密度
parameter  n. 参数
compressive stress 压缩性应力 
bombardment of fluid molecules upon the solid surface 流体分子对固体表面的碰撞
vaporization  n. 汽化
measuring device 测量仪器
manometer [m.'n.mit.]  n. (流体)压力计,压力(气压)表
gauge pressure  表压
absolute pressure  绝对压强
ideal gas  理想气体  =perfect gas 完全气体
ideal gas law 理想气体定律 
gas constant (R) 气体常数
bulk modulus  弹性模量  
isothermal=at constant temperature   a. 等温的
isentropic (at constant entropy)   a . 等熵的 
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