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空气动力学词汇 Aerodynamics Vocabulary

时间:2011-03-27 20:02来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空 点击:

point to point description of flow  对流动逐点描述
heat transfer coefficient 热传递系数
necessitate 使必要
appeal 诉诸(to)
resulting equations  最后的方程
differential equation  微分方程
algebraic equation  代数方程
take into account  考虑
momentum equation  动量方程
involved =complicated and difficult to understand
(Eexample sentence: The equations get very involved when viscous forces are considered along with other forces.)
Navier-Stokes Equations   纳维尔-斯托克斯方程
postpone   vi. 延迟  vt.把…放在后面,使延期
derive  推导
stream function  流函数
kinematics of fluid motion  流体运动学
circulation   环量
irrotationality  无旋
velocity potential   速度势
uniform flow    均匀流
source  源
sink   汇
vortex flow  涡流
superpose  迭加
differential control volume   微元控制体
Taylor series expansion     泰勒级数展开
cancel out   消去
gradient operator   梯度算子
cylindrical polar coordinates   圆柱坐标系
stream function 流函数
(Stream function is a very useful device in the study of fluid dynamics and was arrived at by the French mathematician Joseph Louis Lagrange in 1781.)
deformation of the element  (流体)微元的变形
translation   平动
linear deformation   线变形 
rotation   旋转
angular deformation  角变形
(Example sentence: It appears that the complex deformation of the element can be split into four basic constituents –translation, linear deformation, rotation, angular deformation.) 

Figure: Basic Deformation of A fluid Element
write down an expression  写下一个表达式 
undergo  经历
stretch in x-direction  在x方向伸长
volume dilatation rate of the element  流体微团的体积膨胀率
irrotational flow 无旋流
rate of shear strain   剪切变形率
6.3 Flow Similarity 流动相似
non-dimensional numbers  无量纲参数
thought and planning  思考和计划
thoughtless experiment 没有思考(创意)的实验
render  描述;呈递;诠释 (.render them in a concise and understandable manner)
dimensional analysis  量纲分析
concrete  具体的;混凝土的 
unruly  难控制的;不守法的;不服从的
ironical=ironic  讥讽的;说讥讽话的;用反语的 
compactness   紧凑
similitude  n. ①相似(性),类似(物),对应物,副本,复制品 ②像,同样 ③比喻
principle of similitude  相似原理
prototype   原型机

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