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空气动力学词汇 Aerodynamics Vocabulary

时间:2011-03-27 20:02来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空 点击:

drop v. ①(意外地)落下,掉下 ②(故意)降下,使降落,使落下
subscript 下标
for simplicity 为简单起见
subtract [s.b'tr.kt] v. 减去,扣掉,减少
elliptic(al) [i.liptik(.l)] a . ①椭圆(形)的,椭性的 ②(有)省略(处)的
ellipse [i'lips] n. ①【数】椭圆, 椭圆形 ②=ellipsis
ellipsis [i'lipsis] n. (pl. -ses [-si:z])  ①【语】省略法 ②【刷】省略符号(如—, ... 等)
ellipsoid [i'lips.id]  n.椭圆球,椭球,椭圆体,椭圆面,椭圆形 adj. 椭圆球的,椭球的,椭圆体的,椭圆面的,椭圆形的
stipulate [.stipjuleit] v. to state clearly and firmly that sth must be done or how it must be done 规定,明确要求
aspect ratio 展弦比
drag due to lift  升致阻力
dramatically [dr..m.tik.li]  ad. 戏剧性地,紧张地,生动地,鲜明地,显著地
cruising speed 巡航速度
compromise [.k.mpr.maiz] n. ①妥协,折中,互让,和解 ②妥协(或折中)方案  v. to give up some of your demands after a dispute with sb in order to reach an agreement (为达成协议)而妥协,折中,让步 {★com(共同)-promise(承诺) →妥协}
structural strength 结构强度
conflict [k.n□flikt] n. 冲突,争斗,矛盾 vi.不一致,矛盾,冲突,
reconnaissance [ri.k.nisns] n. 侦察 ▲high-altitude reconnaissance aircraft 高空侦察机
sailplane  n. 滑翔机(glider) 
planform  n. (机翼的)平面形状
isolate ['ais.leit] a. 孤立的 v. 隔离,孤立 vt. ①使隔离,使孤立 ②使(细菌)分离;与种群分离 ③分解;分离;析出 ★We should never isolate ourselves from the masses. 我们永远不能脱离群众。★Several villages have been isolated by the heavy snowfall. 好几个村庄因大雪与外界隔绝。★A chemist can isolate the oxygen from the hydrogen in water. 一个化学家能把水中的氧和氢分解。★Scientists have isolated the virus causing the epidemic. 科学家们已分离出引起这种流行病的病毒。
hint [hint] n. 暗示,提示v. 暗示,示意 【习惯用语】 drop a hint 暗示;示意;露口风 give a hint 暗示;示意;露口风 let fall a hint 暗示;示意;露口风 take a hint 领会;明白;根据别人的暗示采取行动
evaluate [i.v.ljueit]  vt. ①to form an opinion of the amount, valve or quality of sth after thinking about it carefully 估计[量,算,值,价]; 评价[定,值,述], 测[鉴]定  ②计算(…的值),求…的值
value [.v.lju:] ①(商品)价值 ②用途,极积作用 ③【数学】值,数值
valuable [.v.lju.bl] a. ①很有用的,很重要的,宝贵的 ②很值钱的,贵重的
dummy ['d.mi]  n. ①哑巴;经常沉默的人 ②笨蛋 ③作为替代物的模拟物、副本或相似物,人形靶,(橱窗中的)模型人;假人;样品;模型;(书的)样本 ④【军】虚设物;伪装物 ⑤傀儡,外表上似为自己其实是代理他人的人 ⑥【计】假[伪]程序
taper ratio 梢根比(梢弦/根弦比)
taper[.teip.] v. ①to become gradually narrower, to make sth become gradually narrower (使)逐渐变窄 ②斜[尖]削 n. ①a long thin piece of wood, paper, etc. that is used for lighting fires or lamp (点火用的)木条,纸条 ②[usually sing.] the way that sth gradually decreases in shape or size (形状或大小)一端变得逐渐尖细 
tapered wing 弦长向翼梢方向逐渐减小的机翼
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