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时间:2011-11-08 20:34来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空 点击:

In terms of their characteristics, questions can be identified as overhead, rhetorical, direct, reverse, and relay. The overhead question is directed to the entire group to stimulate thought and response from each group member. The instructor uses an overhead question to pose the leadoff question. The rhetorical question is similar in nature, because it also spurs group thought. However, since the instructor answers the rhetorical question itself, it is more commonly used in lecturing than in guided discussion.

When the instructor wants to phrase a question for follow up purposes, the overhead type may be chosen. However, if a response from a specific individual is desired, a direct question can be posed to that student. When a student asks a question, the instructor may respond with a reverse question. In this case, the instructor redirects the question so the student can provide an answer, rather than giving a direct answer to the student's query. A relay question is similar to a reverse question, except it is directed to the group instead of the individual.
When programmed instruction is utilized, students speak, write, or make some other response to each increment of instruction. The material offers them immediate feedback (knowledge of how well they are doing) by informing them of the correctness of their response. The successful completion of each of these increments takes students one step closer to the learning objectives.
There are five major characteristics of programmed instruction.
.  Clear specifications of what the students must be able to do after training

.  Careful sequencing of material

.  Presentation of material in steps which challenge students, but do not exceed their ability

.  Active student responses

.  Immediate confirmation of answers

This approach systematically carries students, step by step, to the learning objectives they are to attain. Programmed instruction not only provides students with the information they are to learn, but it also guides them in the way they are to learn.

航空翻译 www.aviation.cn
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