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时间:2011-11-08 20:34来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空 点击:

Chapter 3



3.1  There are four basic steps in the teaching process that are essential to effective instruction.



Review And Evaluation

These steps may be defined in different terms, listed in different order, or broken down in greater detail, but they are always recognized in any serious consideration of the teaching process.
3.1.1  Preparation
The instructor's lesson plan may be prepared mentally, in the case of an experienced instructor planning a simple period of instruction, or it may be worked out with care and prepared in written form. The lesson plan is simply a statement of the lesson objectives, the specific goals to be attained, the procedures and facilities to be used, and the means of evaluating the desired results.
3.1.2  Presentation
As stated earlier, the learning process begins with awareness, proceeds to perceptions which combine into insights, then continues until the insights are formed into habits. express an idea. In motor skills, such as flying, the student becomes aware of the results of certain control applications, gains insight into why the airplane reacts as it does, then practices to form habits. The habits are transferred and combined with other habits to perform subsequent maneuvers.
The presentation step, then, is the one in which the student is introduced to the subject of the instruction period. At this stage, the instructor employs skills in communication to insure the student thoroughly understands what is to be accomplished during the instruction period and what will demonstrate mastery of the subject. The student also should understand the relative importance of the lesson's subject in the overall scheme of things.
3.1.3  Application
During the application step, through trial and practice, the student is guided into development of insights and formation of habits. The student is now the active person, with the instructor observing and correcting or demonstrating further, as required. In classroom instruction, this step may consist of recitation or problem solving. In flight, the student is practicing the maneuver or operation which has been explained or demonstrated.

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