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时间:2011-10-19 13:03来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空 点击:

Note :  The above information and more can be found in the Track Advisory
Procedures for Polar Tracks, which is a NOTAM (https://www.notams.faa.gov/) published by Anchorage ARTCC (PAZA).
3.2  All polar flights are normally planned from N.America to one of four entry fixes (BUF, SYR, MSS, YUL) and then random routes to the respective polar gateway fix (ABERI for “polar1,” “ DEVID for “polar 2,” RAMEL for “polar3” ORVIT for “polar 4”) and transition to the appropriate polar route.
An example KPAE-VIDP ICAO flight plan: PAE-HUH-J534-YWL-J528-YQU-CZEG-VERKA-65N120W-85N120W-DEKMO-DEVID-G490-THN-G4890-CE-R27-GV-R484-MISLU-A366-GOBSO-A367-NT-P126-BALGO-G661-DW-UB357-OU-UB350-IVNAR-V876-EGPAN-M881-DI-A466-IGINO-IGINIA-DPN
3.3  All Polar Routes currently transit Siberia, Mongolia and enter China at specific entry points. But the route chosen for Airindia traverses Siberia and then over the Central Asian Republics, Afghanistan, Pakistan before entering India.
3.4  The ATC systems of Russia, and the CAR generally do not allow direct routing or cutting the corners to eliminate a turn. Entry into most countries normally requires a specific perpendicular route prior to crossing the FIR. Plan to stay on the filed route, unless there is severe weather to deviate around, or unless the ATC agency offers an alternate route.

Caution: These routes for both Russia and CAR are under constant change. It is critical to review all NOTAMS associated with these routes.
3.5  The route chosen follows a random structure till the polar gateway fix whereafter it follows G489 into Norilsk.
.  The route can employ CPDLC operations with Magadan and both HF/VHF communications depending upon position along the route.

.  The route has significantly high terrain over the Central Asian Republics, Afghanistan and Pakistan.

.  Currently approved ETOPS alternate airports provide adequate coverage along the route.

航空翻译 www.aviation.cn