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直升机飞行教员手册 Helicopter Flight Instructor Manual

时间:2012-06-08 09:45来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空 点击:

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Vertical or towering take-off.
Student practice
Review the standard approach to the hover into wind. Note and compare the power required, after demonstrating with the following techniques:
standard approach to a no-hover landing
standard approach to a run-on landing steep approach to a no-hover landing shallow approach to the hover
shallow approach to a no-hover landing. Student practice
Demonstrate a flat approach (i.e. too shallow) and point out the power required difference.
Introduce these techniques in a flat, clear training area. When the basic techniques have been mastered by the student, introduce obstacles and unfavourable wind conditions. Limited power situations can be achieved by loading the helicopter or by limiting the amount of power the student is allowed to use, as appropriate to type.
Care should be taken that the student does not adopt an excessively nose-down attitude when practising no-hover take-offs.
No-hover landings can, and should, be practised from any type of approach.
Point out the similarities of the run-on landing to an engine failure in the hover with regard to groundspeed and pedal control.
When practising cushion creep take-offs, stress the need to have a positive airspeed (approximately 30 to 40 knots) before adjusting to the climb attitude.
Initially, when you are demonstrating steep approaches use an open area, preferably with a line of trees or bushes over which you can shoot the approach. Ensure that the student can see the intended landing spot over the trees.
Steep approaches and towering/vertical take-offs lead on naturally to confined area operations.
Vortex Ring
Height/Velocity Graph Considerations
Dynamic Rollover
Loss of Wind
Legal Aspects including Permission
For the student to learn safe confined area operations.
直升机翻译 www.aviation.cn
本文链接地址:直升机飞行教员手册 Helicopter Flight Instructor Manual