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直升机飞行教员手册 Helicopter Flight Instructor Manual

时间:2012-06-08 09:45来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空 点击:

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Explain that should engine fai lure occur at the hover-taxi, the pilot should avoid any rearward movement of the cyc lic and accept a run-on landing.
Engine failure in the hover
Demonstrate into wind as follows: Give a verbal warning. Close the throttle. Counteract yaw and drift. Cushion the landing. Student practice
Engine failure at the hover taxi Demonstrate into the wind. Student practice.
This exercise should be introduced by providing the student with plenty of warning before each practice. The manoeuvre can then be speeded-up to flight test standards where the student is given minimal warning of the practice engine failure.
Closing the throttle and cushioning the landing with the collective takes a good deal of manual dexterity in most helicopters. Since the aim of this exercise is for students to react to an engine failure, there is little point in their learning throttle control; in other words, the instructor should control the throttle.
Tail-rotor failure at the hover or hover-taxi, which does require coordinated use of the throttle and collective by the student, should be practised at a later stage in training.
Always ensure that the surface is suitable for this exercise, particularly after rain.
This is a good exercise to demonstrate to the student the landing stage of an autorotation. It is a good skill to
practise just before starting a full-on autorotation exercise.
Exercise caution, as the student may react to the
simulated engine failure by rapidly lowering the collective. Be sure to give a verbal warning before closing the throttle.
Note: Transitions can be taught in conjunction with the lesson on CIRCUITS unless a student displays problems with the concepts associated with the TRANSITION.
Ground effect
Translational lift
Dissymmetry of lift and flap back
Tail rotor drift
Vortex ring
直升机翻译 www.aviation.cn
本文链接地址:直升机飞行教员手册 Helicopter Flight Instructor Manual