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直升机飞行教员手册 Helicopter Flight Instructor Manual

时间:2012-06-08 09:45来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空 点击:

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C of G limits and that the landing gear is clear of snags and obstacles.
Select an area of sloping ground well within the helicopter’s limits and demonstrate reconnaissance of, and manoeuvring over, the intended landing area.
Student practice
Demonstrate cross-slope landings in both directions, pointing out the difference in helicopter performance where appropriate.
Student practice 
Demonstrate an up-slope landing. Student practice
Select an area of sloping ground that is close to the helicopter’s limits and demonstrate landings and take-offs.
Student practice
Select an area of sloping ground that is beyond the helicopter’s limits and demonstrate the indications that the limits are being approached, and the methods of aborting the landing.
Student practice
Demonstrate wind/slope trade-off.
Student practice of reconnaissance and selection of landing points
The performance and techniques involved with different types of helicopter on sloping ground vary. This exercise should be tailored to meet the performance of the training helicopter.
(1) Students tend to be very tense when introduced to sloping ground operations. They will be likely to overcontrol and will tire quickly. It is vital that the student is proficient at hovering and standard take-offs and landings before this exercise is introduced.
(2) Students will tend to look at the ground close to the helicopter. Overcontrolling frequently results, and it will often be necessary to remind the student to raise his or her eyes and use the horizon as a datum.
(3) When students are proficient, let them make the decision where to land so as to judge their own ability to evaluate slopes.
(4) Start the student on `beginners slopes’ and gradually increase the severity as proficiency improves.
(5) Ensure that the student is shown some slopes that are a mix of cross slope and up/down slope, so that the helicopter has to be landed diagonally on the slope.
直升机翻译 www.aviation.cn
本文链接地址:直升机飞行教员手册 Helicopter Flight Instructor Manual