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直升机飞行教员手册 Helicopter Flight Instructor Manual

时间:2012-06-08 09:45来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空 点击:

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? Be present when your students are being debriefed after check rides or tests. You may find out points that you may have missed while flying with your student, and you will almost certainly be given details in a verbal debriefing that may not be included in a written report.
? Maintain a professional image.
Fault analysis is necessary at all levels of flight training. The ability to debrief effectively does more to separate the successful instructor from the poor one than does above-average flying ability. You must realise that the sole purpose of fault analysis is to improve future student performance. A valid critique contains three essential elements:
1. Strenghths
2. Weaknesses, and
3. Specific suggestions for improvement.
Without each of these elements, fault analysis is ineffective.
Strengths are analysed to give a feeling of satisfaction and to show that you recognise what students can do well. If you are unable to identify strengths, it will be difficult for students to believe that your identification of weaknesses is accurate. Positive reinforcement of a student’s strengths will frequently do more for the student than any number of remedial suggestions on your part.
The necessity of analysing weaknesses is readily apparent. This leads into the third element: specific suggestions for improvement. Whenever you are critiquing a student, consider the following. If you are unable to suggest a remedy for overcoming the weakness, your student does not have that weakness. Positive suggestions are mandatory for improving future performance; however, you should limit your critique to the identification of a maximum of three weaknesses with suggested remedies. Attempting to correct all the weaknesses that a student may have at one time could result in your student not being able to correct any weaknesses. During actual flight instruction you should attempt to pinpoint a single major weakness before considering the next. Improvement in a student’s performance takes time: an expert will not appear overnight. More will be learned if a definite improvement in performance is experienced each time the student takes part in a lesson.The recommended format to follow when conducting fault analysis is:
直升机翻译 www.aviation.cn
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